Virtually every person finds it hard to get to sleep at times. Sometimes a difficult day can cause a bout of insomnia. Sometimes it's due to chronic stress. If sleep difficulties occur now and again, it is tolerable, but if this situation becomes regular, a sleep disorder such as insomnia could be the problem. Although insomnia rates as a minor health issue, it can leave the body vulnerable to various health problems. If you're having a tough time sleeping, these ten treatments for insomnia could help you get the shut-eye you need.
Once doctors commonly prescribed sleeping pills for chronic insomnia but now they are less keen on this approach. If the patient finds their inability to sleep leaves them unable to work, study or function effectively, these medications might be a reasonable choice. As a rule, sleeping tablets provide an effective short-term solution, but they also pose significant risks. They might have undesirable side-effects for some individuals, especially if they use them on a regular basis. Another real concern is the way that regular use of sleeping pills so easily turns into an addiction. There also exists a real danger of accidentally taking an overdose with life-threatening consequences.
Every doctor believes it is far better if a patient can manage their sleep disturbances without taking sleeping tablets. If someone's lifestyle is causing sleep problems, it might be more appropriate to change the lifestyle before option for sleeping pill. For example, bodies respond well to regular schedules, so someone with a set bedtime is less likely to suffer from insomnia.
The stresses and tensions of modern urban life also contribute to insomnia. Nobody claims it is easy to make the break from a stressful working day to a relaxing evening, but without making a clear separation, it becomes very hard to get to sleep. Employing some different relaxation techniques can make a vital difference. Some find it helps to listen to classical music. For other people, breathing exercises enable them to make the transition into sleep mode. Meditation is another popular method to relax muscles before going to bed.
Some people with insomnia find it very hard to reduce stress and anxiety through natural means. In these anxiety-fueled insomnia cases, doctors may prescribe medications to help mitigate these tensions. Benzodiazepines are one of the best-known types of anti-anxiety medicines. As with sleeping tablets, this insomnia treatment is not recommended on a long-term basis. Patients easily become too dependent on these drugs, which can lead to substance addiction.
Living in a noisy environment usually makes it much harder to fall asleep. If a family member or roommate causes the disturbance, the problem is easily resolved, but often this noise comes from outside the house. In these cases, there is often little to do to silence the source of the noise, so sufferers need to work on preventing it from disturbing them. Creating a background noise in the bedroom is one of the best ways to deal with noise from outside the home. Try leaving a fan running since the noise of its blades continually turning helps block out disturbing street noises and, thus, make it easier to get to sleep.
Eating, and especially drinking habits, can increase the likelihood of sleeping problems, so changes in these areas can lead to relief. Avoid eating large meals close to bedtime if you want to ward off insomnia. This is probably going to be a relatively easy step to take but avoiding smoking cigarettes, drinking coffee and alcoholic drinks late at night require more willpower. These are all well-known causes of insomnia, but their addictive nature makes it much harder to keep away from them during those critical pre-bedtime hours.
This is one of the most highly recommended as well as effective methods of dealing with insomnia. After that busy day at the office or school, resist the temptation to come home, have a bite to eat and then go to sleep. Instead, go out for a healthy stroll or moderate jog. It might be more pleasant to do this with a relative or friend, but some prefer to keep this activity as their own private time. After an invigorating walk, come home, shower and prepare to go to bed. The energy burnt up outdoors should make it much easier to get a good sleep.
Pharmaceutical researchers continue to work on new medicinal treatments for insomnia. Melatonin is a natural hormone used in medications specifically designed for adults with sleep-related problems. Even though it is based on a natural substance, doctors recommend an initial course of just three weeks. If the patient finds it helps, their physician may allow them to continue taking it for about three months. While melatonin may be effective for alleviating insomnia, it can also have unpleasant side effects such as headaches and joint pains.
Some advocates of acupuncture, an ancient Chinese medical technique, believe that it also helps to treat insomnia. Many contemporary Western doctors are skeptical, but there is plenty of anecdotal evidence from people who swear this technique have helped them off to dreamland.
Believers in the effectiveness of herbal medicine support the notion that valerian root can alleviate insomnia. Valerian extract is one of the most popular herbal supplements. If you do choose to try valerian, be sure to discuss your plans with your doctor to ensure the supplement won't interact negatively with your medications.
This site offers information designed for educational purposes only. You should not rely on any information on this site as a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, treatment, or as a substitute for, professional counseling care, advice, diagnosis, or treatment. If you have any concerns or questions about your health, you should always consult with a physician or other healthcare professional.