A sinus infection is very common among all ages. Over three million cases are reported each year in the United States alone. Medically referred to as acute sinusitis, the miserable state occurs when the cavities around the nose become inflamed. The nasal passages usually become infected due to a cold, the flu, or allergies. Symptoms of a sinus infection include a headache, runny nose, nasal congestion, and facial pain. Luckily, acute sinusitis does not need lab tests or imaging to diagnose as it is even self-diagnosable in some cases. The irritating condition can be treated with some remedies within a few days to a week. However, chronic sinusitis can recur for up to eight long weeks. It may be a result of an infection. In this case, your doctor will have to treat the sinus problem. Many at-home remedies and antibiotics can treat the symptoms of a sinus infection.


Grapefruit Seed Extract

This robust solution is used in multiple nasal and throat sprays because it has anti-viral properties. Grapefruit seed extract contains a biological compound known as polyphenols including limonoids and naringenin. They destroy infectious germs. If you are using a nasal or throat spray to help ease the symptoms of a sinus infection, you should read the label. Check for grapefruit seed extract, especially if you want to use natural healers. You can probably use the spray up to four times a day, but follow the medication as instructed. If it is not an over-the-counter treatment, consult with your doctor and the pharmacist.

grapefruit Sinus Infection


Vitamin C

It might seem cliché to take Vitamin C for a sinus infection because it is the key ingredient to boosting your immune system, which is what your body uses to fight off infections. The reason why Vitamin C is so unique is due to its antioxidant properties, which guard your cells against free radical damage. Apparently, they said negative, but free radicals are found in air pollution, cigarette smoke, and other common causes of sinus infections from the outside world. You can take up to 1,000 milligrams of Vitamin C three times every single day. You can research foods and drinks with the powerful vitamin. Oranges are the best place to start.

vitamins Sinus Infection



Even though it might give you bad breath, garlic is a natural antibiotic. If you consume garlic on a regular basis, you can not only treat a sinus infection, but you can help prevent the common cold. There are several studies and clinical trials available about garlic. In fact, people who took supplements or a placebo with garlic for three months during cold season (the winter months) were less likely to catch a cold compared to those who did not take garlic. If they did get sick, the recovery was faster than those without the supplement or placebo. If you tend to get sick frequently or suffer from sinus infections, consider adding more garlic to your diet or supplements.

garlic Sinus Infection


Apple Cider Vinegar

All of the smelly foods and drinks seem to help sinus infections! Like many only remedies on this list, apple cider vinegar contains antiviral, antibacterial, antifungal, and even anti-inflammatory properties. When you combine these vital components together, your sinus infection does not stand a chance. As soon as you feel a cold, flu, or allergy attack coming on, drink an apple cider vinegar mixture. It will help prevent a sinus infection. An easy way recipe includes two teaspoons of apple cider vinegar mixed with warm water and a teaspoon of honey. Drink the concoction three times a day for up to five days straight.

ACV Sinus Infection


Cayenne Pepper

It only seems natural to put some pepper under your nose and sneeze out the entire sinus infection. Cayenne pepper can help. It will open up the sinuses and drain the passages. The anti-inflammatory spice improves circulation and boosts your immune system in general. If you are trying to come up with ways to incorporate cayenne pepper into a simple drink, you can mix one teaspoon into a hot cup of water. Adding a little bit of honey is optional, but you can drink it two to three times a day. Hopefully, you see a positive change over the next few days.

chili Sinus Infection



Cutting up an onion can make your eyes water, but you can also use the sulfur compounds to combat bacteria and fungi. This wonderful vegetable will decongest your sinuses, too. A quick way to utilize the onions properties for health reasons to by chopping it into small pieces and boiling them for about five minutes in a pot of water. You can inhale the vapors as the water boils. Then, strain the onions and drink the leftover water. You can do this a few times a day until the congestion clears; it may take a week.

onion Sinus Infection


Oil of Oregano

This little miracle worker contains both carvacrol and thymol; these potent compounds possess antibacterial and antifungal characteristics. Remember how inhaling vapors can be beneficial for patients suffering from a sinus infection? Steam can have the same effect. Add a couple of drops of oil of oregano into a bowl of recently boiled water. To intake all of the steam, sit at a table and place the hot water directly in front of you. Cover your head with a towel to enclose the steam. Sit with your eyes closed for several minutes and inhale the wet mixture. Repeat this process several times a day, and it will help clear your sinuses.

oregano Sinus Infection



If you can't stand the taste of onions and hate the smell of oregano, don't worry; you can breathe in the natural steam, and it will still relieve nasal congestion. If you suffer from sinus infections, you should go to the bathroom, close the door, run a hot shower, and just inhale the vapors for up to 10 minutes. You can do this every day if you want until the infection is gone. It will help relieve you of your sinus infection symptoms. Put a wet, warm towel directly on your face for a couple of minutes, too, and it will alleviate sinus pressure.

steam Sinus Infection



If you go to a doctor with a sinus infection, he or she may diagnosis you with sinusitis and prescribe you with medication. If home treatments do not work or your sinus infection becomes severe or lasts longer than ten days, antibiotics are often the go-to source for fighting the illness. A combination of over-the-counter drugs such as decongestants, pain relievers, fever reducers, and others can also help. Make sure you check all of the side effects and read the label carefully.

antibiotics Sinus Infection
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