Many people have suffered bouts of heartburn, but few may realize why or how it happens. Many scientists believe that genetics play a significant role in determining what foods will cause heartburn and what might not for an individual. Aside from genetics, there is something you can do to avoid the nasty sensation of stomach acids building up in your throat. After numerous tests, scientists have narrowed down the list to ten suspects. You might not personally experience difficulties when eating the heartburn trigger foods listed below, but they are some of the prime culprits. If you want to avoid that icky feeling, you might want to replace these foods that are high in acidity with something else.


Citrus fruits

Rich in vitamin C, citrus fruits are a dietary staple for most people. We tend to grab an orange juice in the store. We eat fresh oranges and even put them in cakes to achieve the ultimate sweetness. Something that many people don't know is that aside from all that delicious sweetness, a lot of acids may be a hassle to your stomach. They cause a reaction in your esophagus, and the amount of acid can rise and build up. If you have no intention of giving up oranges and other citrus fruits, just be sure to eat them with something else. Eating an orange or grapefruit on an empty stomach increases the risk for heartburn.

citrus heartburn trigger foods


Tomatoes are another dietary staple, but they are also associated with heartburn. This vine fruit is a gold mine of nutrients that are essential in our lives, but if you find that they give you heartburn, you might want to get those nutrients from other healthy foods. Again, try to eat something else with your tomatoes that can reduce the risk for heartburn.

tomatoes heartburn trigger foods

Garlic and Onion

This makes sense when you think about it. Both garlic and onion are great for killing bacteria and building up the immune system - precisely because of their high acidic levels. Although this might be good news when fighting diseases, it can spell trouble when it comes to heartburn. Garlic and onions are so healthful; it's important to find ways to incorporate them in a diet. If these foods give you problems, try to reduce the amount you use in recipes before swearing them off entirely.

onions heartburn trigger foods

Spicy foods

Spicy foods are integral to many global cuisines. Some people have taste buds that adore that spice, while their stomach has other feelings on the matter. Spicy foods are notorious for triggering terrible episodes of heartburn. The good news is that there may be a way to overcome your heartburn. First, you have to take out all the spicy elements out of your diet and wait until your esophagus calms down. After that, start slowly introducing small portions of spicy foods so you can still enjoy their taste. Just don't overdo it.

spicy heartburn trigger foods


Everyone always thinks guzzling up two or three peppermints before a date may seem like a brilliant idea, but just hold that thought. Eating too much peppermint can ruin your date with a bout of terrible heartburn. This is because peppermint relaxes the muscles between the stomach and the esophagus, which only makes the acid wave stronger and harder to stop. If you want to avoid bad breath while on a date, try a fruit-based bubble gum.

heartburn trigger


Alcohol is notorious for causing heartburn. It is difficult for the stomach to digest, which can lead to serious heartburn pain. The best way to avoid these types of situations is to consume this substance in only small amounts. Many experts' advise against drinking alcohol on an empty stomach, but it turns out that drinking it on a full one makes matters even worse. The solution to this conundrum is just taking it easy on the booze, and you'll be fine.

heartburn foods

Cheese, Nuts, Ribs

When you look at these three foods, your first thought is probably "what a random group." The reason behind this odd collection: fats. Fat impacts the stomach quickly, and severely slows down food digestion and causes pain and acid build-up. You can combat this condition by avoiding eating cheese or similar fatty foods after a meal. The ideal way to go would be some nuts or cheese early in the day when you're only half-full. This won't slow down digestion, and you should be free from any nasty heartburn side effects.

heartburn trigger food


We all knew that coffee contains large amounts of caffeine and that it may be detrimental to the digestive system. But did you know how many other drinks contain it? Tea, ice tea, mocha, soda, and fizzy drinks are all packed with caffeine. The biggest reason for heartburn caused by coffee is that most people drink too much. A small cup in the morning can help you feel more alert and even boost metabolism. Sipping on it every day from dawn till dusk, however, can create problems for your stomach. Taking caffeine in moderation helps heartburn go away.

caffeine heartburn trigger foods


Chocolate has always been notorious for being hard to digest, and this can be a problem for people already suffering from heartburn. Furthermore, chocolate often contains a significant amount of caffeine that can cause heartburn. If you are a chocoholic and don't want to give up the sweet stuff, try to limit it to see if a small quantity will go down better with your stomach.

chocolate heartburn trigger foods

Carbonated drinks

Carbonated drinks may be sweet, fizzy, and fun, but they are major culprits when it comes to triggering heartburn. Many of these beverages are unhealthy in any case because of their sugar content, and you may want to significantly reduce your intake. The less you drink them, the less likely you're going to suffer a horrendous bout of heartburn.

carbonated heartburn trigger foods
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