
There is an English saying – "Don't take it to heart!" Someone says this by way of reassurance to his or her friend, but if they feel something is not right with their heart, it does not make sense to dismiss the matter lightly. Understandably, if your heartbeat all of a sudden becomes very noticeable, or the beat seems to have become irregular, you are certain to be very concerned. It is comforting to learn that usually there is nothing to worry about, and in a short while, the heartbeat returns to normal. Doctors call these occasional ectopic beats. However, if you feel chest pains or become dizzy, go and get medical help immediately.

Palpitations Connected to Pregnancy, Periods or Menopause

The state of pregnancy triggers many hormonal changes in the body. The morning sickness phenomenon is one of the best-known side effects. But pregnancy also sometimes causes the heart to flutter or miss some beats. These heart rhythm alterations should be brief. A woman who experiences such palpitations need have no concerns about the health of her own heart or the baby she carries. Hormonal changes associated with regular periods and the menopause also sometimes cause heart palpitations. The diagnosis is similar to that for the pregnant woman – there is no need to worry since heartbeat soon returns to normal.

pregnancy Heart Palpitations


Reactions to Certain Medications

Sometimes taking a prescribed medicine might set off heart palpitations. This is an unusual reaction to certain treatments, but doctors are familiar with the problem. Typical cases include palpitations triggered when the patient uses their asthma inhaler, or when they take various types of antibiotics or antidepressants. It sounds a little far-fetched, but doctors know how even the use of an anti-fungal medication can set off such a reaction. If this happens, inform your doctor about the problem, but do not decide on your own accord to stop taking the prescribed drug.

medication Heart Palpitations


Heart Rhythm Issues

As you might expect, heart rhythm distortions also sometimes trigger palpitations, but there is a world of difference between saying a person has a heart rhythm issue and diagnosing a heart problem. Supraventricular tachycardia (SVT) is an excellent example of a common heart rhythm distortion that may cause palpitations. It is far from unusual to find this condition in young people, and it does not mean they are unhealthy. It is less common to discover a more serious heart rhythm issue such as ventricular tachycardia is the cause of the palpitations.

Heart Palpitations problems


Heart Disease

Anyone with a very pessimistic or anxious nature is prone to connect heart palpitations instantly with heart disease. Doctors know this is a remote possibility but if these heartbeat changes occur along with certain other symptoms the likelihood of serious problem increases. If the heart palpitations continue for quite a time, or if they increase in intensity you need an examination. A person with a history of heart disease also needs to behave with more caution than others and get a check up.

heart disease Heart Palpitations


Dehydration Can Set Off Heart Palpitations

In the popular image, dehydration is often associated with travelers in the desert, but medics are well aware that this health threat applies in all locations. Even in the winter people ought to take care to drink sufficiently, but in the summer months and hot climates, the problem is exacerbated. If dehydration gets to a certain point heart palpitations could occur. It is the equivalent of the body sounding an alarm when its vital systems are in danger of collapse. The message is simple – make sure you to take frequent small drinks to stay well hydrated.

dehydration Heart Palpitations


Associated with a Fever

If a person running a high fever starts to feel heart palpitations, it is very likely that the two issues are related. If you have a temperature of 38C (100.4F) or above it can sometimes trigger this reaction in the heart. The palpitations should not continue for long or become more intense. This problem ought not to reoccur after the fever goes down. If in doubt, or in need of reassurance, mention the issue to a doctor, but there is probably no need to do so.

fever Heart Palpitations


Athletic Exertions

Normally exercise is healthy for the body, and people feel fitter after a run or a session in the gym. However, it is also possible that putting yourself under too strenuous pressures sets off heart palpitations. These heart flutters should not last a long time or come with fainting, severe shortage of breath and other disturbing signs. Palpitations in this context they are usually a harmless bodily reaction to physical strain, and everything soon gets back to normal. Nevertheless, people unaccustomed to heavy exercise should be wary of pushing themselves too hard.

athlete Heart Palpitations


A Lack of Sleep

Lack of sleep is a common and very reassuring cause of heart palpations. It is easy to imagine the relief when the doctor comes back to the patient with this diagnosis. Whoever misses a night's sleep because of some event or emergency does not need to be too surprised or concerned when they notice a few heart flutters next day. A good night's rest is probably the only remedy they need to take. Even though this turns out to be a relatively minor issue, remember that over the long-term sleep deprivation does have serious health implications.

Heart Palpitations


Alcohol Abuse

While a little drink at a family celebration is fine, excessive drinking has serious consequences. Heart palpitations are one sign the body gives out when its alcoholic intake passes the safe limit. The dangers of binge drinking receive a great deal of publicity. It is worth pointing out again that heart problems are only one of the many health challenges that alcoholism brings in its wake,

Heart Palpitations alcohol


Set off by Smoking

Cigarette smoking is another negative lifestyle element that sometimes triggers heart palpitations. The connection between smoking and serious disease is beyond dispute. These particular heartbeat changes are not signs of heart disease. Though they can serve to remind the smoker of the serious damage this habit frequently causes.

smoking Heart Palpitations

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