
Statistics show that four out of ten American men experience significant hair loss by the age of 35, and approximately 60% of women have to cope with this issue at some point in their lives. In many cases, hair thins because of genetic factors but sometimes illness is the cause. In the latter case, the hair eventually regrows but inherited hair loss is harder to treat. For both genders thinning hair and bald patches of scalp cause embarrassment and loss of self-esteem, but while balding men can choose to take treatments or live with their baldness few women are comfortable appearing in public with receding hairlines.

10 Treatments for Hair Loss

Medical Lotions

For hundreds of years various lotions have been promoted as effective remedies for baldness. In the majority of cases, the sellers have been either naive or outright dishonest but today creams approved by dermatologists are available. Minoxidil is the best known of these lotions. It is recommended that women massage the 2% version to their scalps while men can use the 5% version. This treatment has its side effects in terms of itchy and dry skin but users should see its effect in the course of three to six months.

natural remedies for hair loss


Prescription Medications

Traditionally treatments for baldness usually consisted of various kinds of creams and locations so it comes as a surprise to some of us when we find out that there is actually a pill that men can take to make hair grow. It was originally developed as a treatment for prostate gland problems but the scientists noticed that it also encouraged hair growth. Almost twenty years ago the Federation of Food and Drugs (FDA) approved its use as a hair growth stimulant. Today it is marketed under several brand names. This drug is unsafe for women of child-bearing age.

prescription medication for hair loss


Vitamin Supplements

In some cases, hair loss could be linked to a lack of certain vitamins. Biotin, or Vitamin H, is one of the most promising of the vitamins in terms of stimulating hair growth. Many years of research provides evidence that it really does help in this area. Biotin is found naturally in walnuts, bananas, mushrooms and a number of other foodstuffs but diabetics, in particular, might not get sufficient amounts in their regular diets. Just as healthy people need a certain amount of biotin excess amounts can have side effects to biotin supplements should only be taken after consultation with a doctor.

hair loss supplements


Hair Transplants

Developments in medical techniques enable both men and women to take advantage of hair transplant techniques unavailable to previous generations. This surgical procedure is carried out under anesthesia. The surgeon removes healthy hair follicles from parts of the scalp where the hair is abundant to transplant them in areas of thinning hair. Some claim that as many as four-fifths of women with thinning hair benefit from hair transplants. On the negative side, there are risks of scarring and treatments might cost as much as $15,000 – a very attractive wig is much cheaper.

hair transplants


Laser Hair Stimulation Therapy

Recent progress in laser technology has led to the introduction of laser treatments to stimulate hair growth. These treatments are based on the fact that hair loss can be caused when hair follicles cease to be active for some reason. They stop growing new hairs and soon the hair-thinning becomes apparent. Laser therapy can increase the flow of blood to the follicles and so activate them to produce new hairs. Dermatological clinics offer laser treatments but it is also possible to buy special laser combs and brushes and do your own treatment while carefully following the manufactures safety instructions.

hair loss dermatologist


Wigs and toupees

Both men and women may choose to deal with hair loss by wearing a wig or a toupee but for some reason, this behavior is considered more normal for women than men. Besides providing women with a way to disguise their hair loss they also effectively cover greying hair. In the past, wig wearers were easy to pick out but today’s wigs are so sophisticated it has become very hard to distinguish them from regular hair.

toupees hair loss



The fenugreek herb is a popular food seasoning used extensively in certain Middle Eastern countries. Some believers in natural cures claim that fenugreek can also be used to make a paste to help encourage new hair growth. They soak the seeds overnight and then turn them into a paste for applying to the scalp. Others recommend mixing the fenugreek seed with strained yogurt. You should leave it on the scalp for at least half an hour and then wash it off with a natural shampoo.

treatments hair loss


Flaxseed Gel

Health food enthusiasts know about the advantages of including flaxseed in their diets but they can also be used to make a gel used for hair loss treatments. All that it takes it to boil the flax seeds in water until the gel is formed. After the gel is rubbed into the scalp and hair on a regular basis it is supposed to stimulate new hair to grow as well as strengthening existing hair. Taking flaxseed oil as a dietary supplement is also meant to benefit hair health.

remedies hair loss


A Fruity Treatment

The use of powders and oil made from the Indian Gooseberry, or Amla fruit, has become one of the most popular natural treatments for hair loss. This exotic fruit is abundant in Vitamin C and it is praised for its anti-oxidant properties. Besides helping to stop hair loss it is supposed to help resist hair turning grey.

diet hair loss


A Cure from the Kitchen

Some of the best remedies use items the average home always has in stock. One of the easiest of these home remedies to try uses a mixture of egg white with a teaspoon of virgin olive oil. People claim that rubbing this compound into the scalp stimulates hair growth by improving the blood flow and oxygen supply to the hair follicles. It is worth trying because the ingredients are easily found and inexpensive. Another advantage is the absence of any possible side effects to worry about.

kitchen remedies hair loss

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