We couldn't get around easily without our feet. And after thousands of steps per day, it's no surprise that our feet can suffer from a range of conditions, some quite benign and others that require more medical attention. Lot's of factors can contribute to sore feet such as age, size, and the type of shoes you wear. To prevent sore feet, make sure that your shoes fit you and that your walking technique isn't harmful.



Sesamoiditis is a common foot problem and equally affects both sexes. Ballet dancers and runners are the most likely to experience this condition. This can appear when the bones that are connected to the big toe suffer from damage or injury. This is one of the most common forms of tendinitis. Luckily, you can easily treat this cause of sore feet by resting after long periods of physical activity. Moreover, you can use ice to calm symptoms. If you practice sports avidly, you should wear the right type of padding under the shoes.

sore feet


Morton's Neuroma

Another frequent cause of sore feet is a condition known as Morton's neuroma. This ailment causes a range of symptoms in the foot, but it mostly affects the tissue surrounding the nerves. Most of the nerves in the foot are located at the bases of the toes, which can cause a range of sensations in the area. Numbness, for example, is often reported among patients, as is pain. Women are particularly susceptible to Morton's neuroma due to extensive use of high heels. To prevent further complication, wear proper padding and consider changing shoes.

causes of sore feet



If you walk a lot or wear shoes that don't suit your foot size, you may develop warts on your feet. Not all people are at risk of developing warts, but if you have dry skin or skin that cracks easily, you have a higher chance of getting warts. Plantar warts are amongst the most common types of warts that can appear on the feet. They usually grow on the heels or other parts of the feet that carry weight. Excessive pressure causes plantar warts to grow larger. In most cases, plantar warts don't pose a major health risk, but you might want to consult your doctor just in case. Warts can always be removed.

warts sore feet



Irritation of the skin - or the tissue and nerves - is a possible cause of foot pain, and may cause a range of different conditions to surface. One of them is plantar fasciitis, which describes an irritation of the tissue that connects the heel bone and the toes. The amount of pain usually depends on the time of the day, with most people experiencing pain in the morning while getting out of bed. The most common locations of discomfort include the heel and the arch of the foot. Get plenty of rest to ensure correct healing.

pain sore feet



If the foot becomes bruised, it can cause pain and other symptoms. Stone bruises are a type of a bruise that occurs in the fat pad of the heel, although they may also develop in the ball of the foot. Most cases of bruising are due to falling, getting hit by an object, or stepping on something. If you go hiking, for example, and a step on a big rock, your foot may become bruised. Most cases aren't serious and only cause mild discomfort. As always, rest the foot and use ice to treat any pain.

bruising sore feet



In more severe cases, the foot can become fractured, causing severe pain, among other symptoms. Most foot fractures are caused by high-impact incidents, such as a serious accident or a fall from a high altitude. Not all injuries cause the foot bone to break, in some cases, it may also shatter. As a result, pain, severe swelling, and difficulty walking are some of the signs that can be felt. To receive a diagnosis, you should go to a hospital as soon as possible. In the meantime, don't apply pressure on the affected area and protect any damaged bone with pads.

fracture foot


Plantar Fasciitis

Arch pain is another type of foot pain, which appears at the arch of the foot, as indicated by the name. Plantar fasciitis is a typical cause of arch pain and can affect both the arch and the heel of the foot. People who practice lots of sports such as runners and football players have a higher chance of developing this condition, due to the amount of force exerted on the area. If symptoms don't disappear despite treatment, the last resort may be to inject a mixture of steroid and anesthetic into the affected area.

foot pains


Heel Spurs

Heel spurs may cause sore feet. They are an unusual growth that occurs in the bones of the heel. Different things can cause such growths, but one of the most common culprits are shoes that don't fit the feet. Posture and excessive amounts of running may also increase the chances of developing heel spurs. Not all heel spurs cause physical symptoms, but pain is commonly reported. The optimal way to go about treating heel spurs is by using the right shoes or shock-absorbent soles. Consult your doctor to see what option is best for you.

spurs sore feet



A range of problems can affect the ball of the foot. One of them is metatarsalgia, which causes symptoms such as inflammation and pain in the affected area. It's caused by wearing inadequate footwear, but other reasons are also possible, such as significant physical activity or sudden movements. Initially, you can take painkillers to treat pain, but afterward, you should address the causes of the problem. In this sense, the best idea is to get new, comfortable shoes that have ample padding. Also, make sure not to walk too fast, and avoid sharp movements of the foot.

feet sore


Flat Feet

Flat feet may not sound like a menacing condition, but it is a big source of trouble for many people. This causes the arches of the feet to flatten. In turn, this causes lots of painful symptoms, among other problems. Luckily, flat feet are easily treated by making small modifications to footwear and walking style. For starters, you can get shoe inserts, and possibly a walking cane if you have trouble walking. Physical therapy can also be handy in treating symptoms. If difficulties persist, surgery may be the last resort option.

sore feet walking
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