Erysipelas is a bacterial infection caused by group A Streptococcus bacteria. It penetrates into the deeper skin layers through small wounds on the skin, such as from a minor scrape or cut. The infection leads to swollen, reddened, and warm areas on the legs and face and various other symptoms.
Erysipelas starts as when you feel unwell. This can be uncomfortable when you feel malaise. The rashes that appear on the skin cause fever. You may experience high body temperatures of between 38.3 to 40 degrees Celsius. The high fever can also bring pains in your body. Other people have complained of body aches such as a headache.
If you have a mild case of erysipelas, you can take medication at home. An antibiotic, cillin, treats the condition. Doctors recommend the use of antibiotics to combat the infection. The discomfort, pain, and fever can alleviate taking painkillers.
Infection from erysipelas will cause chills. Some people feel aches together with chills. The body aches are like you had a workout. It manifests itself in the head and legs. This is especially when the infection is in the neck or legs.
Wrap yourself in a blanket to treat chills. This will increase the body temperature and reduce it. If it comes with the body aches, you can take drugs. There are over-the-counter medications. In severe cases, consult your doctor for prescribed medicine.
This is the most common symptom of the infection. The affected part of the skin gets red, warm, swollen and painful. The condition is an inflammation of the skin. It is, thus, sore. The tissue below the skin gets infected. It appears as a reddened area and has sharp borders. The lymphatics get infected, and it may be streaked.
If the affected area is on your leg, keep the leg more elevated. By keeping it in that way, it will reduce swelling. Treatment of the condition depends on each person and expert opinion. The standard therapy takes between 10 to 14 days of continuous antibiotics.
This symptom happens in body parts such as joints. The blisters are very painful and will cause great discomfort. The blisters are the warning signs that the infection is severe. Sometimes there may be a break in the skin. This happens over the reddened part where the bacteria entered the body.
The blisters on your legs and arms need treatment. Any delays can cause you to take antibiotics for the rest of your life. The intake of antibiotics is a must since this is a severe infection. The type of drugs will depend on several factors. It will be considered whether the infection is producing pus.
The lymph nodes may get swollen. You may develop lymphedema. There is a red streak that extends to the lymph node. When the legs get infected, the glands in the groin get enlarged. Infection in the upper body will result in glands in your neck getting enlarged. These lymph nodes can also be tender to touch.
Anti-inflammatory painkillers like ibuprofen relieve pain and fever. Antibiotics get rid of the infection. If you have a severe infection, you will get an intravenous treatment. When you experience repeated episodes of erysipelas, you may need long-term antibiotics.
There are red swollen parts on your face which get infected. Erysipelas covers both the cheeks and nose. The lymph glands in your neck get infected. This means that you will have swollen glands. This can be painful and may cause fever and chills. This can also bring headaches. It will be difficult to chew and eat food because of the pain.
Antibiotics help to treat this symptom. You may have to take oral prescription at home if the condition is mild.
Erysipelas will cause you to feel unwell. This is a condition when your body feels ill. It can affect your work activities. In most cases, the feeling is like you are severely ill. If the condition causes you to lie in bed, it is time to see a doctor. The fever and chills can promote this feeling.
When erysipelas stays for some time untreated, it can cause an abscess. There will be a whitish fluid which indicates severe infection. The swelling can be even more painful. The reddened part may be tender when you touch it. It can also come with itching and burning of the skin. Local discomfort can be relieved by using cold packs and analgesics.
Complications of erysipelas are blood poisoning symptoms. Some people complain of feeling nausea and vomiting. This happens when they have serious infections. Fever and chills are experienced when you have blood poisoning. A feeling of malaise is also felt. You may be hospitalized when the doctor needs to administer intravenous drugs.
Gangrene develops when the infection remains untreated for long. The cells die, and the infection is serious. The pain becomes severe, and skin starts to discolor.
If you have gangrene, you will likely require medical attention. Your practitioner will go over whatever options are most appropriate including medication and surgery to remove the dead tissue.
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