Estrogen is a hormone found in both men and women. However, women naturally have more estrogen because it regulates their reproductive systems. If your estrogen levels are high compared to other hormones, this is referred to as estrogen dominance. Understanding the symptoms of high estrogen in women can give you advance notice of future problems. If you think your estrogen levels are too high, it is best to speak to a doctor.
There is a myriad of reasons why your period might show up early, late, or not at all. Your monthly cycle is controlled by hormones. If hormone levels are too high or low, these imbalances may be reflected in the regularity of your menstruation. If you frequently have irregular periods, your estrogen levels might be too high.
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Hormones play a significant role in regulating weight. If you notice you're gaining weight, particularly in the hip area, you may have high estrogen levels. Gaining weight for no apparent reason is always a potential sign of a bigger problem. This weight is usually difficult to lose, even with proper diet and exercise, because estrogen levels must be balanced to lose weight and maintain the weight loss.
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Estrogen not only regulates your reproductive system, but it also has a profound effect on your mood. Just consider the rollercoaster of emotions you feel during your menstrual cycle. If you have high estrogen levels, you will likely find yourself prone to anxiety and depression. You may also feel panicked.
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If you notice your periods are heavier than usual, high estrogen levels could be to blame. Estrogen is responsible for thickening the lining of the uterus, so excess estrogen means there's more to shed when you have your period.
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Hormones play a significant role in the development of headaches. If you experience headaches when your period is nearing, it is almost always related to hormone levels. If your estrogen levels are high, you're going to have more estrogen than progesterone, which almost guarantees a headache.
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High estrogen levels can make your hair fall out. Your hair will start to thin if you have estrogen dominance and your progesterone is lower than it should be. Correcting the problem can prevent further hair loss and encourage regrowth. However, if the problem is left unchecked, it could lead to permanent hair loss.
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Estrogen causes excitement; progesterone is responsible for calming you down. If you notice you're having a hard time winding down at bedtime, high estrogen may be to blame.
Exhaustion is an obvious side effect of insufficient sleep. When you don't get enough rest, you will feel fatigued much of the time. If you have other symptoms associated with high estrogen and you are tired a lot, ask a doctor to check your estrogen levels.
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Low estrogen has a proven link to Alzheimer's disease, and doctors have found high estrogen levels can also cause memory loss. If you notice your memory is playing tricks on you, then you might be dealing with high estrogen levels.
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You've probably heard low levels of estrogen can lead to a low sex drive, which is one reason for this side effect during menopause. Although more research is needed in this area, many people with high estrogen levels also report a diminished sex drive. So, if you didn't previously have a problem with your sex drive but do now, high estrogen just might be the cause.
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If your breast tissue changes and you notice your breasts feel more lumpy, you could be experiencing higher levels of estrogen and lower progesterone levels. Estrogen dominance can cause your breasts to become fibrocystic or develop benign lumps. Your breasts may also be tender and swollen. The hormone imbalance causes the connective breast tissue to grow, which causes the bumpy or rope-like tissue quality.
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