Small raised areas on the skin may be the size of a pinhead, or large and noticeable. Visible lacerations may or may not accompany the bumps. A huge number of causes including infections, allergies, and more may cause or contribute to skin bumps. Based on the cause, they may be painful, tender, itchy, firm, or soft. The following are the most commonly occurring skin bumps. Although they are often benign, anyone experiencing these should seek suitable treatment to prevent complications and recurrence.
Prickly heat is a rash that appears as bumps on the skin that are both painful and itchy. Exposure to heat results in this rash that tends to be extremely itchy for some. Prickly heat usually appears in the areas of the body that experience the most friction. These places include the folds of the arms, legs, breasts, and groin. Keeping the affected area cool, dry and devoid of friction usually provides relief.
A common condition that children under the age of 12 are particularly vulnerable to, chickenpox produces blister-like skin bumps across the body. They usually break out on the face and then spread down the chest and back. The chickenpox rash is itchy and accompanied by fever and sore throat. The most problematic aspect of this condition is that its rash may leave deep scars if scratched too heavily.
Cellulitis produces a distinctive rash. Usually, it appears with red, blister-like bumps as one of its most obvious symptoms. Other symptoms are fairly generic. Therefore the rash tends to alert doctors to the possibility of this disease. The skin bumps appear with redness, swelling and a warm feeling on the skin. Antibiotics usually will clear it up and prevent further issues.
A boil is an infected skin abscess. They begin to form with a reddened, tender patch of skin which grows hard and firm. Eventually, boils will fill with pus. Antibiotics are prescribed in extreme cases. However, draining the fluid is usually the best treatment. Lancing and surgical removal are the most common treatment techniques. Home treatments may also be effective for minor cases.
Hives are small pink or flesh-colored bumps that appear on the surface of the skin. They are usually very itchy, but may also sting or burn. Hives normally appear as an allergic reaction. The most widely prescribed treatment is an antihistamine medication to alleviate symptoms, as well as avoidance of any known cause. The rash typically does not cause scarring, however, may recur in patients with allergies or sensitivities.
Skin tags are small and soft. Most often, they appear on the neck, eyelids, armpits and in the groin. There is no known cause, but they have been linked to obesity and genetics. Skin tags are benign and do not require treatment. However, some will opt to have them removed by laser or other techniques. Warts are small bumps that are the result of infection. They are not generally painful or dangerous, but they are contagious and therefore should remain covered. Many over-the-counter remedies are available for wart removal. However, more serious cases may require a dermatologist.
Rubella (known as three-day measles) is a common viral infection amongst children. The infection leaves a rash of red skin and causes severe itching, as well as pain. A person with rubella may experience swollen glands, runny nose, painful joints, cold-like symptoms, and high fever. This condition can increase the risk of congenital disabilities if contracted by pregnant women.
Intertrigo is inflammatory dermatitis that occurs in the folds of the body. Bacteria and fungal infections are the main causes of this condition. The skin will appear pink or brown with small bumps. Friction, heat, and poor air circulation can worsen the rash. Obesity and diabetes may be contributing factors. Thus patients with these conditions should be aware of the symptoms. Keeping the area dry is the best defense.
Rosacea causes swelling of the blood vessels leaving the face red. The rash spreads from the center of the face across the cheeks and may spread to the forehead. Some patients with rosacea can also develop red gritty eyes, stinging sensations, and rhinophyma. The main trigger is unknown. However, exposure to extreme temperatures or physical exertion may trigger a flare-up.
Contact dermatitis is the skin's reaction when it comes into contact with compounds to which it is allergic. Cleaning products, skincare or makeup, or even clothing may cause the rash. Rashes caused by contact dermatitis may appear as redness, sores, or blisters and may cause severe itching.
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