
Heat rash is a mild but annoying complaint. As a rule, you can successfully apply home treatments. Heavy sweating is the principal heat rash cause. The sweat obstructs the body's sweat glands, and this leads to the rash appearing on the skin. Young children suffer more than adults do from heat rash because their sweat glands are less capable of coping with heavy sweating. As you might expect this problem is much worse in the summer months and in hot climates. The prickly heat rash (also called miliaria) is a kind of rash that appears on those areas of the body covered with clothing.

Usually Heat Rash Disappears Without Medications

In the ordinary course of events, heat rashes disappear without the need for any medications. All you need to do is take a few sensible precautions. To start with, resist the temptation to scratch the rash. Make sure to keep the affected skin cool and dry, for example, take regular cold showers and let your skin dry naturally in the air. It also helps to cool these body areas off with a fan, and air conditioning is even better.

heat rash


Keep Out of the Heat

Those who live in tropical climates will find it hard to follow this advice, but this is one of the ways to avoid exacerbating a heat rash problem. Do whatever you can to minimize exposure to the rays and heat of the sun. For example, if trees shade one side of the street and the other side is open to the sun, walk along the shaded side. It is a good idea to take along with you a small battery powered fan and remember to drink sufficient water to keep well hydrated.

skin heat rash


No Need to Go to a Doctor in the Majority of Cases

A typical heat rash case causes the patient discomfort, but it does not require a visit to the doctor. Symptoms are easy to relieve with home treatments. One of the most popular of these treatments uses an ice pack or a damp cloth placed on the affected skin area. You can also seek advice from the local pharmacy. He or she is likely to recommend that you apply calamine lotion or something similar. Only go to a doctor if you are very concerned about a rash on a baby or if home treatment fails to relieve your rash in a few days.

sweat heat rash


Dress to Keep Cool

The way you dress influences the chances of developing heat rash and affects the speed with which it heals. The best clothes to wear are those made of loose cotton. The tighter and heavier the clothing the more sweat the body generates and this both causes and aggravates heat rash issues. In addition to clothing, give some thought to bedding. The more lightweight the bedding you use, the less likely you become to develop heat rash and the greater your success in quickly getting healed from it.

preventing heat rash


On Rare Occasions, Complications Might Require Emergency Medical Care

Standard heat rash gives no real cause for concern – even when it appears in babies. However, exceptional circumstances a condition that starts with heat rash symptoms develops into something much worse. Cases arise where the heat rash overwhelms the body's natural coping mechanism. This leads to a situation where the patient begins to suffer from heat exhaustion. It becomes a medical emergency when someone gets heatstroke. They need to go, or be taken, to the nearest hospital for urgent treatment.

emergency heat rash


Your Actions Increase the Likelihood of Heat Rash

It is easy to sympathize with a bed-ridden patient who develops heat rash through circumstances largely beyond their control, but other people put themselves at risk through their behavior. For example, if you spend too much time sitting close to a heater it increases your chance of heat rash. Older adults who feel the cold more and those who live in cold countries may be tempted to this to keep warm, but they should know that heat rash might be the price they will pay for cuddling up to that heater.

risk heat rash


A Cup of Mint Tea

Besides providing a refreshing drink, mint tea is one of the most effective heat rash remedies. Natural health enthusiasts say they have abundant proof that mint tea helps to reduce the body heat that causes sweating and it speeds up healing. It is recommended to boil some mint leaves in water and stir them for about four minutes. Next, strain the mint tea and dispose of the leaves. If you want you can add a sweetener or drink it as is.

tea heat rash


Good Old-fashioned Talcum Powder

Talcum powder is such a commonplace item in the bathroom cabinet it is easy to underestimate its medical value. It remains one of the most useful medical compounds for the relief of heat rash symptoms. Natural health advocates recommend covering the body with herbal talcum powder. Remember to avoid scented talcum powders since these often aggravate instead of relieving the irritation.

talcum heat rash


Lose Weight to Reduce Risk of Heat Rash

Losing weight is not a way to quickly heal a bad case of heat rash, but it is a good approach to follow to prevent it from returning. The more overweight someone happens to be the higher the chance of excessive sweating that leads to heat rash. This provides another good reason to lose weight if avoidance of heart problems and other serious health issues fails to give sufficient motivation for diet and exercise.

weight loss heat rash


Nettle Leaf Tea

Everyone knows how nettles have a sting so nettle tea is the last substance you might expect to help treat heat rash symptoms, but natural healers know otherwise. Nettles have an antihistamine effect on the body that helps to prevent as well as relieve heat rash symptoms. You can get this benefit from a nettle tea or from tablets. These items should be readily available at your local health food store.

cures heat rash

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