Anyone who spends a lot of time in water knows just how annoying it can be to get water stuck in your ear. Not only is it annoying, but it can also lead to further complications such as infections or hearing loss. Even taking a shower can cause water to get lodged in the ear. In most cases, ear wax naturally prevents water from getting too deep into our ears. On the bright side, it can be surprisingly easy to get water out of the ear by following these ten tips.



The easiest way to get water out from the ear is to use gravity. This force of nature is often our first method of removing water from our ears. Depending on where the water is stuck, it can be more or less difficult to remove it. The best way is standing and tilting your head sideways, while at the same time holding the affected ear parallel to the floor. Then, carefully place the palm of your hand over the ear and gently perform a pushing action. This creates a vacuum that pulls any stuck water from the ear.

gravity in the ear


Valsalva Maneuver

If you've ever gone snorkeling or diving, the Valsalva maneuver should be fairly familiar to you. Even if you've never heard of it, it can come in handy if you ever get water stuck in your ears. The Valsalva maneuver has the added benefit of not only removing water from your ear but also being able to pop the ears, therefore normalizing pressure. To perform it, close your mouth and pinch your nostrils closed using your fingers. Proceed to take a deep breath, and carefully blow air out of the nose. The resulting action will pop the ears and at the same time clear the ear of water.

water in the ear


Blow Dryer

Most people own a blow dryer. But perhaps you didn't know that you can also use this device to speed up the drying of water from the ear. If used correctly, a blow dryer can be a safe and effective method to clear the ear of water. To use this method, make sure that your blow dryer is set at the lowest temperature, and be sure to hold the device at a safe distance from the ears. Then, point the warm - but not hot - air towards the eat, ensuring that a constant flow of air reaches the inner canal of the ear. Continue doing so until you can feel the moisture evaporating.

tips to get water out of your ears


Rubbing Alcohol

One of the most widely used methods of getting trapped water out of the ear is rubbing alcohol. This age-old home remedy uses the drying effect of alcohol to remove water. Traditionally, this remedy employs vinegar, because when combined these two elements effectively accomplish the task at hand. For its part, vinegar helps to remove any bacteria that might be stuck in the ear. To use this remedy, mix equal parts rubbing alcohol and vinegar into a small dish. Then, with the help of a dropper, place a few drops of the mixture into the ear. Allow to act for 30 seconds and tilt the ear.

water in the ear


Heat Therapy

A comfortable and efficient way to remove unwanted liquids from the ears involves using heat. Heat is a powerful force of nature that can soften and relax the Eustachian tube, thereby allowing trapped water to flow out. Typically, water builds up in the part as mentioned earlier of the ear, and may be difficult to get out. That's where the heat comes in handy. To safely use heat treatment, apply a warm compress (store-bought or homemade). Just make sure that the temperature is moderate, not hot. Apply the compress over the affected area and allow it to act for up to 3 minutes. Then, tilt the head.

water in your ears



Steam is another treatment form that utilizes the power of heat to help remove water that has become stuck in the ear. Just like heat therapy in general, steam encourages the Eustachian tube to open, helping to release water that has become lodged. To use this treatment, add warm water into a bowl, making sure your skin makes no contact with the water. Then, cover your face with a towel, and inhale the steam for around 10 minutes. When finished, tilt your head to allow the water to escape the ear.

is it ok to have water in your ears


Hydrogen Peroxide

Hydrogen peroxide is mostly known as a cleaning agent or a hair dye, but it also has another surprising use: it can help dry water from the ear canals. Containing effervescent properties, Hydrogen peroxide is a great tool for the removal of water. But it also does more than that; it can dislodge ear war as well as other debris that might be stuck in the ear. It's mechanical effects help move things out from the ear. To use this treatment, make sure to use 3% hydrogen peroxide (diluted), and place a few drops of the substance in the ears. Allow it to settle for two minutes, and drain.

treatments for water in ear



Salt is one of the best minerals to achieve water evaporation and removal. It's no wonder that chefs all across the world use salt to help absorb water from cuts of meat and fish before cooking. Similarly, salt can be used to remove water from the ear. To do so, heat a half cup of salt water in the microwave, and place the resulting mixture in a cloth. Place the warm cloth over the affected area for around 5 minutes. Try washing the ear afterward to remove any salt residue.

cleaning the ear



Some people claim that garlic is an effective method to remove water from the ear. Garlic is believed to have drying properties. Another added benefit of garlic is that it is antibacterial, meaning that it can destroy bacteria within the ear, preventing infection and keeping ear wax under control. If you ever suffer from ear pain, you should also know that garlic can naturally help reduce pain. To use garlic for water removal, extract the juice of 2 cloves of garlic. Then, dilute them in a few tablespoons of water, and place a few drops into the ear canal for 3 minutes.

cleaning out your ears


Olive Oil

Even though placing oily substances in the ear might sound like a great way to achieve more ear wax, olive oil is a surprisingly quick method to dislodge water from the ear. Moreover, olive oil is an antiseptic, meaning it can kill bacteria. Olive oil works by lubricating the ear, ensuring that water flows smoothly out of it; that's why it is recommended to place a few drops of the stuff in the ear before entering any body of water. Alternatively, place a few drops of warm olive oil into the ear for 3 minutes, then drain. If water remains stuck in the ear, contact your doctor.

olive oil remedies
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