There is a greater awareness today of the health problems that a lack of nutrients causes. Some of these issues may be startlingly obvious, but others are far less apparent and often only obvious to someone who has studied the connection between nutrients and health. Ideally, everyone should follow a diet that provides the body with all its required nutrients, but it is hard to know the best food combinations to choose. Many try to compensate for lack of nutrients with vitamin supplements. Even though they might feel these provide a health boost, it is always better to get nutrients from foods rich in these vitamins.
Acne is one of the signs of puberty set off by changes in body hormones, but it also can be a sign of a lack of vitamin C. This is one of the easiest minor health issues to remedy since foods rich in vitamin C are so readily and cheaply available. Those suffering from this nutrient deficiency should include citrus fruits as a regular feature in their meal plans. The antioxidant substances found in these foods help the body's immune system work better and this assists in both prevention and control of acne.
This is one of the most common as well as serious nutrition deficiency symptoms. Someone who fails to get sufficient calcium from the nutrients they consume is likely to feel fatigued. They might also suffer from stomach cramps. Calcium is vital to the development of strong bones and healthy teeth. A serious lack of calcium makes bones brittle and so more open to damage. Not eating sufficient yogurt and other milk products, and too few green vegetables eaten are some of the main causes of this particular nutrient deficiency problem.
Sometimes a person seems to lose their appetite for no apparent reason, or they start to feel nauseous. Both of these feelings might come together, or they might occur separately. If this situation continues for more than a day or so, it is time to consult a doctor. Although these may be symptoms of a number of illnesses, in a good number of instances they link to a nutrient deficiency. A diet that fails to provide the body with enough magnesium may produce such symptoms. Spinach is one of the most valuable food sources of magnesium and peanuts and almonds are a few more examples of magnesium-rich foods.
Everyone recognizes that paleness can indicate a health problem, but it might be the result of a nutrient deficiency rather than the sign of a virus or infection. A lack of enough iron content in the diet causes people to appear unusually pale, and it drains the body of energy and reduces the ability to concentrate. Meat is probably the most common food source that is rich in iron, but vegetarians can get their iron from eating vegetables such as spinach and lentils.
A tough daily schedule, lack of sleep and aging are a few examples of common causes of tiredness. Nutrient deficiency also needs adding to the list since it can definitely affect energy levels. Anyone who leads a very active and physically demanding life needs a sufficient intake of zinc in his or her diet. Once again, spinach is a valuable menu item due to its high zinc content, but pumpkin seeds and certain seafood also contain valuable amounts of zinc.
Lack of sufficient nutrients could affect an individual in a way that leaves him or her short of breath. Nevertheless, nobody should self-diagnose and assume that this is why they are experiencing this symptom. There are a number of other possible explanations, including asthma and an effect of the natural aging process. For these reasons, it is always best to take whatever tests a doctor recommends to discover the root of this health issue in a scientific way.
Vision plays such a key role in human interactions that there is no chance of eye problems not receiving serious attention. The medical fact that nutrition affects eyes is one of the lesser-known aspects of this condition. Sunken or dry eyes might be a sign of a lack of nutrition. In this particular case, the person is missing vitamin A or zinc in their diet. Redness in the eyes might connect with lacks of vitamins BI, B6 or B2 in food intake. Given the importance of eyesight, it is essential to get a professional check rather than jump to your own conclusions.
One of the most disturbing things that can happen to a person is the feeling that their mind no longer works as well as it once did. For instance, they might start to have difficulties remembering where they put certain items, or start to feel disorientated. It is natural to fear that these are signs of some chronic health problem such as the onset of Alzheimer's disease, but it could be something as simple as a nutrition deficiency. Maybe by eating more foods rich in vitamins B1, B3 or B12 their mental powers will again improve.
Damaged skin offers another highly visible indication of nutrition deficiency. The harm takes a variety of forms. Some of the most common occurrences involve the appearance of red spots beneath the skin, and skin that becomes very dry and starts to scale. Both of these skin conditions might happen due to lack of vitamin C, but in addition, a lack of iron and proteins could also produce this condition.
Doctors gather a great deal of valuable health data through checking a patient's urine. However, you do not need to be a doctor to notice changes in urine color that could link to poor diet. For instance, if someone fails to get enough liquid their urine becomes dark, and in the opposite situation it takes on a very light color. Everyone is well advised to pay heed to the important health warnings that the body issues.
This site offers information designed for educational purposes only. You should not rely on any information on this site as a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, treatment, or as a substitute for, professional counseling care, advice, diagnosis, or treatment. If you have any concerns or questions about your health, you should always consult with a physician or other healthcare professional.