
Enjoying our favorite food is one of the greatest pleasures imaginable. Whether it's for reward purposes, celebrating or relaxing, it's hard to know the limit. This especially happens during the holiday season or when you over-stress. The line between overindulging and having a moderate portion is very thin. It depends from person to person. If you catch yourself overeating often, then you might have a condition called binge eating. If you start feeling bad after your binge, shameful or you lack self-control, you need to break that cycle. Binge eating can cause more serious health problems to appear like cardiovascular diseases and diabetes. Another long-term effect is weight gain. Realizing and accepting that you suffer from this very common disease is the very first step.

A complete lack of self-control

We all know that we should only eat when we are hungry. Occasionally we choose to ignore this. The feeling of being full is satisfying and can make every situation feel better. It is important to know how and when to say 'enough is enough' to food. Continuing to eat when full is not recommended. This is important to practice if you are healing your relationship with food. Think of it as just another habit like shutting off the lights or putting shoes in the closet.

self-control binge eating


Not chewing your food

Twenty minutes is how much time it takes for our bodies to realize it is full. If we eat very fast that won't happen, and we will continue eating past a healthy point. When you are having a meal, sit down and get comfortable. Slow down. Chew your food more than you usually would as this helps both the digestive process and the feeling of fullness.

binge food


Binge eating doesn't mean bulimia

After someone binge eats they will feel discomfort. When someone relieves the discomfort caused by binge eating through vomiting, they have a disease called bulimia. Binge eating causes damage to the body but bulimia causes severe damage to the body. Not everyone who binge eats is bulimic.

binge eating vs bulimia


Feeling overwhelmed by emotions

This disease can cause a plethora of emotions. When someone is bing eating they might feel a thrill and excitement. When the period of binging is over they might feel disgusted. Overeating affects the brain as much as the body. Having a difficult time controlling emotions is just one of its consequences. Having said that, we can classify this condition as a mental disorder as well. It creates a never-ending cycle. Because of the guilt and disappointment, we will turn to food for a comfort again. The powerlessness to get out of this cycle can be overwhelming.

 emotions binge eating


Isolating yourself

Feels of shame is something that usually follows binge eating. Someone might find themselves eating alone because they fear other people's judgment. An attempt to try and keep this disease a secret can only worsen things. Keeping yourself away from your friends and family is not helpful at all. Instead, try to talk to them. They can give you the support that you need and your problem will become past very quickly.

isolation and binge eating


Lying and deceiving other people

When you are isolating yourself from other people, you can seem pretty normal to them. But, inside you know that you're struggling. Pretending to have a normal eating routine is not beneficial for this disease at all. But, things can get even tougher. Your friends can't tell that there is a big problem that you carry around every day. It can even grow into something bigger that can cause more problems than the ones you already have.

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Eating in secret

Binge eaters tend to hide their food from others. They will eat them when they are alone. Finding a private place to eat becomes an important part of the ritual. Binge eaters tend to hoard foods. This goes hand in hand with their tendency to isolate themselves.

eating binge eat


A lack of planned meals

Whether you suffer from this disease or not, it is always important to set your meal times. For starters, it will help you to maintain a healthy diet. You will be on track no matter what happens. Similarly, without a routine, binge eaters have a problem controlling food intake. They will binge for one meal and then probably won't eat for many hours. In that way, their habits contribute to their overeating.

binge eating meal plan


Getting obese in a short time period

One of the most severe outcomes of binge eating is becoming obese. Do not confuse obesity with normal weight gain. Many people, especially women, experience normal weight fluctuation their whole lives. Obesity is a medical condition that yields many serious health problems. Obesity places someone at risk of various cardiovascular diseases including diabetes, chronic pain, and cancer. Avoid overeating by consuming more nutrient-dense foods, that will fill you up and speed up your metabolism.

metabolism binge eating


Deteriorated Emotional Health

Overeating can affect your mind just like your body. One of the triggers for this disorder can be sadness, anger, and stress. Many find their comfort in food, and that leads to binging. You may feel good while you eat, but as soon as you stop, the negatives emotions come back. After a while, you will feel all that which you have been running from all over again. Try and find outlets that make you feel fulfilled other than food. Try out new sports, hobbies, and classes. You can also try to form new relationships or buil on old ones.

binge eating

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