Abnormally low blood pressure is also known as hypotension. For some people, this condition can be life-threatening. When you get your blood pressure taken, you will see two numbers: systolic and diastolic. A reading of 90/60 mm (systolic/diastolic) is considered low blood pressure. There are many causes of low blood pressure, ranging from dehydration to severe medical or surgical disorders. It's essential to figure out what's causing low blood pressure so that you and your doctor can treat it appropriately. Keep reading to learn about common symptoms of low blood pressure.
Almost everyone is overtired or overworked at times. Temporary fatigue usually has a recognizable cause and a clear remedy. Relentless exhaustion, on the other hand, is extensive, more intense, and isn't relieved by rest. Fatigue is a virtually unceasing state of tiredness that progresses over time and diminishes your energy, ambition, and focus. This type of depletion impacts your emotional and mental welfare, as well. Fatigue is continuous and restrictive. Do you have an unexplained, constant, or worsening exhaustion? This is a symptom your doctor should examine.
You depend on focus to get through your daily routines. When you’re unable to concentrate, you cannot think clearly, focus on a task, or keep your attention. Job performance can be adversely affected by lack of focus, and you may also find you can’t think as well, which can inhibit your decision-making skills. Low blood pressure may contribute to or cause an inability to concentrate. It’s not always a medical emergency, but being unable to focus can warrant medical attention.
Blurry vision is precisely that -- an absence of clarity of sight and the inability to see fine detail. Low blood pressure can lead to blood collecting in your legs when you stand. Usually, your body compensates by increasing your heart speed and tightening blood vessels, making sure that enough blood returns to your brain. In people with orthostatic hypotension, however, this compensation does not work. Blood pressure decreases and one side effect may be blurry vision.
Dizziness includes feeling lightheaded, woozy, or unbalanced. It affects the sensory organs, especially the eyes and ears, so it can occasionally cause fainting. Dizziness isn’t a disease; it is a symptom of various disorders. Occasional dizziness is nothing serious. However, you should call your doctor immediately if you’re experiencing repeated episodes of dizziness for no apparent reason or a prolonged period.
People experiencing dizziness may feel these sensations:
• feeling faint or lightheaded
• an unrealistic sense of spinning
• unsteadiness
• loss of balance
• feeling like you are floating or swimming
Fainting or passing out is also called syncope, an unexpected, momentary unconsciousness caused by lack of blood flow to the brain. This is often a sign of blood pressure problems and can happen quite often if you move too fast from a lying or sitting position to a standing position. Fainting from low blood pressure is most common in older adults. It also frequently occurs in people recovering from lengthy illnesses that kept them bedridden long enough to affect muscle tone.
Nausea is a stomach illness characterized by a disinclination to eat and an urge to vomit. It is also known as queasiness and gives most people an unpleasant sense of discomfort and unease. You have probably felt nauseous before, and low blood pressure is one possible cause of this symptom. It is never pleasant but usually passes quickly enough. There are many types of over-the-counter medications that treat nausea and protect your stomach lining.
Clammy describes sweaty or damp skin. Perspiring is your body's usual reaction to overheating. The wetness of sweat has a cooling result on your skin. Any fluctuations in your body from physical exertion or extreme heat can prompt your sweat glands to activate and cause your skin to become clammy. Low blood pressure, low blood sugar, and hyperthyroidism can all cause clammy skin.
On average, you should take between 12 to 20 breaths per 60 seconds. The medical term for quick, shallow breathing is tachypnea. This symptom occurs when you inhale more times than usual within a minute. When a person breathes rapidly, they are hyperventilating. You should always report this symptom it to your doctor and get treatment to prevent complications.
Depression is a mood disorder that causes insistent feelings of unhappiness and disinterest. It affects how you feel, think, and behave and can lead to a range of emotional and physical complications. Typical day-to-day activities may be stressful for people with depression. Depression is more than just an occurrence of the blues. It isn't a weakness, and you can’t just “get over it” as some may suggest. Depression may involve long-term treatment. Studies have linked low blood pressure to depression and anxiety.
Shock is a life-threatening condition that occurs when the organs receive too little oxygen. It can cause organ damage and even death. People go into shock when their blood pressure becomes so low that the body’s cells do not get enough blood. Thus, they do not receive the oxygen they need. Because of this, cells in many organs, including the brain, kidneys, liver, and heart, cease to operate normally. Blood flow must be quickly restored to these cells before they become permanently impaired and die. Enough damaged or dead cells can lead to failure of the organ in which they reside.
This site offers information designed for educational purposes only. You should not rely on any information on this site as a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, treatment, or as a substitute for, professional counseling care, advice, diagnosis, or treatment. If you have any concerns or questions about your health, you should always consult with a physician or other healthcare professional.