
Thalassemia is an inherited disorder of the blood. With this disorder, the body produces hemoglobin in an abnormal form. If your mother and father are thalassemia carriers, there's a bigger risk that you'll have it too. This disorder destroys the body's red blood cells. Because of this, the person may develop anemia too. There are three main types of thalassemia. These are thalassemia minor, alpha thalassemia, and beta-thalassemia. The first one is the least harmful among the types while the last two are very dangerous. If at least one of your alpha globin genes has an abnormality, then it means you have alpha thalassemia. If your beta globin genes have the abnormality, then you have beta thalassemia. Here are the most common symptoms and treatments of this disorder:


1. Deformity of the bones

People with this disorder have bone deformities, and they usually occur in the face. This disorder can force the bone marrow to expand. This makes the bones widen, therefore resulting in an abnormal structure. The person may also have bone abnormalities like osteoporosis. When the bone marrow expands, it results in thin and brittle bones. When this happens, your bones may crack a lot easier.

These symptoms don't happen to everyone suffering from thalassemia. However, it may occur in some types. For these symptoms, surgery is the best treatment. You'd have to consult a surgeon to correct such abnormalities.



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