In the present day world, diseases are more abundant than ever. Also, we're able to treat them better than ever, too. These two sentences seem a bit paradoxical, don't they? As the world population grows, the breeding grounds for bacteria are more frequent. Public transport, schools, workplaces - catching a bug is seemingly easier than ever. Despite this notion, many bacterial maladies are still misunderstood. One such condition is ehrlichiosis. What is ehrlichiosis, anyway? It's a very frequent bacterial infection that manifests itself through flu-like symptoms. As we've already mentioned, pathogenesis gets accomplished through bacterial infections. If you're affected by it, you can expect symptoms to appear after two weeks at least. Many affected individuals fail to notice it in the first. The similarity between the common flues is striking at times. So, people generally expect it to pass and often leave it untreated.
Like the common flu, ehrlichiosis is common during the winter months, AKA during flu season. So, it's common to mistake it for the famous bug-caused condition. Mild fevers usually begin after 10-14 days after getting infected. You might even feel it sooner if your immune system is not well. To take care of this symptom and make your timeless unpleasant, you need to rest. Being bedridden will only help the speed and thoroughness of your recovery.
Another flu-like symptom makes this bacterial infection hard to pinpoint. Headaches during ehrlichiosis are to be more potent and more persistent. So, it's safe to say that a prolonged migraine period call for a check-up. Its okay if the headaches last for half a day or a little bit more. Anything upwards is a sign that something is wrong. Your doctor might first treat you with some pain medication. If the flu season is in full swing, he might test you for ehrlichiosis. Antibiotics are imminent if your tests come back positive. You may need pain medication if your migraines are raging ones.
This symptom is characteristic of the third week of ehrlichiosis. It's a sign that something is definitely wrong. Experts generally conclude that after chills begin, it's harder to treat the condition. That's why it's of the utmost importance to pay attention to your body's signs. Chills are a sign that things are getting more and more serious. If you venture into your doctor's office at this stage, expect a thorough round of tests. On finding out that you are suffering from ehrlichiosis, you can take antibiotics.
Paired with chills, muscle aches are a clear sign that ehrlichiosis is spreading. When it reaches your limbs, it's usually around the 20-day mark. If not treated at this stage, you may experience horrific pain and render immobile for a few days. Muscle aches are not to be trifled with. Pain medication is a good immediate treatment for this sign of ehrlichiosis. So, it might be possible that you're going to need to change up your diet. You may need Antioxidants, so better stock up on some tomatoes and green veggies. They are a proven accelerator of recovery.
Nausea begins around the 10-days mark. It usually happens faster if the infection occurred through the gastrointestinal tract somehow. You will feel unease when eating and especially when the food reaches the esophagus. Because of this, you might experience malnutrition and persistent hunger. Aside from the usual antibiotics, you might be prescribed probiotics. These beneficial bacteria might solve the problem and improve the situation. Remember, every probiotic is the same, so don't make a mistake and buy the more expensive ones. They usually work in a matter of hours, so there is no need for waiting.
Vomiting usually occurs when you ignore your nausea signs. This is usually the stage when people go to the doctor. Flu doesn't manifest itself through vomiting, so there is your code red alert. Like nausea, your body will get dehydrated and malnourished. There are all bad signs and completely prevent a steady recovery. As far as treatments go, you have to take a strong antibiotic. In most cases, everything is better in as much as 3-4 days. Have patience and make sure your rest.
When paired with vomiting, diarrhea can be even more annoying that it usually is. The ehrlichiosis bacteria has probably reached your intestines and started worsening your stool. Often, people are on the brink of dying from dehydration. They pass it off as the flu and ignore the diarrhea. If the liquid stool persists for a few days, visit your doctor at once. Ask him to run tests on you. This is the best way to determine the extent of your condition. The ideal treatment would be a dose of antibiotics, along with some metoclopramide. The combination will both ease your diarrhea and fix the infection.
If you've been vomiting and having muscle aches, it's possible that you're exhausted. This symptom is more of a derivation from all the other symptoms ehrlichiosis can cause. Fatigue also has a pronounced mental effect, rendering you're unable to think straight. By visiting the doctor, you will be given an antibiotic. They get rid of bacteria fairly fast. Also, be sure to rest a lot.
Due to exhaustion and dehydration, you may feel the shortage of nutrients. Your brain will definitely get affected. Also, its effects will echo throughout your mind. Cognitive processes will be almost impossible to establish, due to severe malnutrition. It's best that you call in sick and rest for a good while. Another good solution, in this case, is asking someone to pack you nutritive meals. Things like almonds, sweets and green veggies can restore energy pretty fast. It will get your mind back on track.
Rashes are perhaps the only visible dermatological symptom of ehrlichiosis. They manifest if you've contracted ehrlichiosis not a long time ago. In comparison to other rashes, these are usually not that extreme. But, they spread fairly fast. To treat them, you will be must take antibiotics for around ten days. That's the consensus about the rashes disappearing. Also, you will see the ehrlichiosis slowly going away because of the medications.
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