
One of the worst nightmares for anyone is getting warts in uncomfortable and awkward locations. And what's more awkward than the anal region, especially when small bumps develop around it. This condition is known as anal warts, and it mainly affects the inside and outside parts of the anus, although it may also appear in the genital area. Anal warts start off as small growths, and over time they develop into more significant spots. Symptoms mostly involve pain, irritation, and itchiness. Find out ten symptoms and treatments of anal warts.


One of the first signs of anal warts is spots that develop around the anal zone. Warts, at least initially, appear small and pin-like and can have various colors. Most anal warts are flesh-colored or neutral in tone, but over time they may become red and irritated in appearance. Anal warts are usually flat or slightly raised, but if they become irritated, they may grow in size. One of the most effective ways to treat anal warts is cryotherapy, which employs freezing temperatures to freeze warts, thereby eliminating them.

spots anal warts


Feeling Of "Something There"

A strong indication of anal warts is having a feeling of something being inside or near the anus. This sense is often described as an uncomfortable one, in which a mass or object can appear stuck near the anus. The movement may worsen the sensation, and actions, like sitting down or getting up, can cause it to feel more intense. To treat anal warts located in challenging to reach places, you can use topical medications that are aimed at removing the wart over time. These medicines can be used at home and can easily be bought without a prescription at the pharmacy.

anal warts



A common sign of anal warts is dampness. Dampness may indicate that there is increased friction around the anal area which results in moisture. It's essential to remove any humidity from the area as this may worsen symptoms and promote bacterial growth. One of the fastest ways to treat dampness is to use a powder, especially for sensitive skins. Purchase powder that has no added scent, and look for ones that protect proper hydration; this way, the surface won't become dry and crack. If you are prone to skin allergies, don't attempt this remedy.

signs of warts


Bumps That Increase In Size

Although anal warts usually start out as small spots on the skin, over time they tend to become more prominent. That's why anal warts are usually described as small pins regarding size, which also makes it more difficult to notice them. As they grow, they might form clusters that are made up of various warts. This is sometimes referred to as "cauliflower." The color of warts may also vary: some may be flesh-colored whereas others may appear yellow or even light brown. A straightforward way to treat anal warts at home is to apply an ice pack over the affected area, which targets symptoms like pain and itchiness.

bumps warts


Bumps In The Groin

Even though the condition is known as anal warts, symptoms may also be spotted in other parts of the body. Certain individuals will develop small bumps that form around the thigh, near to where the genital area starts. There may be a few individual bumps although small clusters of spots are also possible. Women can develop warts on the vulva, vagina and even the cervix. Men aren't immune to them either: look out for spots that appear on the penis and scrotum. If home remedies and topical medications don't work, surgery might be an option.

groin warts



The skin around the anus is very delicate and fragile. Therefore, it is easily scratched, irritated, and damaged. Anal warts can cause itchiness both because of warts themselves as well as because of constant scratching. In this sense, it is vital to avoid further touching the area - this can worsen symptoms and make itchiness more persistent. In some cases, itching can be so severe as to cause pain. A convenient way to control itching is to apply topical cream which can help bring down symptoms and support the removal of warts.

warts pain



You may see or feel discharge coming from the area infected with anal warts. The discharge may be translucent in color, but you may also spot traces of blood. The discharge can even have a foul odor to it. The best way to prevent discharge is to routinely apply a topical cream that has been specially created to treat anal warts. One of the most effective treatments uses bichloroacetic acid to reduce and eventually clear any blemishes. You should book an appointment with a specialist before attempting any home or store-bought remedy.

warts discharge



Bleeding is a possible indication of anal warts. If there is a significant cluster of spots around the anus, blood may ooze out as a result of the friction. Rubbing the skin may also irritate it, therefore possible rupturing the skin. The fragile and sensitive skin around the anus makes it more prone to bleeding which is why you should avoid excessive contact with the area. To treat anal warts, you can apply a special topical medication which burns warts, such as podophyllin. Other options, such as trichloroacetic acid are also an option. Consult your doctor to see which remedy suits you best.

bleeding warts



Some people have reported experiencing a fever during an outbreak of anal warts. Fever is a relatively rare symptom to have and usually develops as a result of an infection. Other flu-like indications may also arise, such as fatigue and headache. You should head over to your nearest hospital if you detect these symptoms. Antibiotics as well as over the counter pain medication may help ease symptoms. If the warts are causing lots of pain, some doctors may prescribe gel that helps to treat pain and irritation. Remember to drink plenty of fluids to stay hydrated.

warts fever


Burning Sensation

People with anal warts may experience a burning sensation around the skin. This is a vital warning sign indicating that the condition is developing. You may notice bumps or spots that occur shortly after a burning feeling; alternatively, both may be present. To help treat symptoms, you can apply topical creams over the affected area to control itchiness and pain. Specific acids can also be used to treat warts. They work by destroying the proteins inside warts, ensuring a quick and pain-free recovery. Surgery is a last resort and often requires local anesthesia.

burning sensation anal warts

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