Amenorrhea is a common medical term. It refers to the absence of a woman's menstrual periods. This absence can be temporary or permanent. This condition comes in 2 classifications: primary or secondary. With primary amenorrhea, a young lady's menstrual cycle never starts. But with secondary amenorrhea, the menstrual cycles started at the right time. However, the menstrual period stops for 3 or more consecutive cycles. Many factors can influence a woman's menstrual cycle. These include illness, stress, and hormonal levels. External and environmental factors can also affect the menstrual cycle. When you miss one period, you don't need to worry. Usually, it isn't an indication of an underlying problem or medical condition. But if you're suffering from amenorrhea, you're dealing with something more serious. Here are the most common signs of this condition.
A young lady who doesn't have any menstrual flow has amenorrhea. However, she may be showing other common signs of puberty. Menstruation starts at different ages. But when a young woman passes a certain age, she should already start having periods. If not, then it's the first sign of amenorrhea.
The treatment for this symptom of primary amenorrhea depends on the cause. Common treatments include medications, surgery, or a combination of the two.
A young lady may not start menstruating because of a genetic abnormality. She may not know it, but there may be something wrong with her body. Some common abnormalities are vaginal septum and an imperforated hymen. A woman might even be missing her vagina or uterus. There may also be blockages in the cervix or a narrowing of it.
In cases like these, you won't be able to treat the condition using medications. If the cause of amenorrhea is anatomical or genetic, then the best treatment will be surgery.
Sometimes a young lady never gets her period, and nothing's wrong with her body. In cases like this, then she may exhibit some emotional symptoms. She may frequently be in a depressed or anxious mood. These moods can lead to further complications such as excessive loss of weight.
To heal such symptoms, a doctor may recommend treatment to restore and keep up an ideal body weight. With emotional symptoms, the person may have to find ways to deal with those feelings herself. It's also helpful to talk to a professional who may be able to help with feelings of depression and anxiety.
Another symptom is that even as a young lady is growing up, she's not showing any common signs of puberty. This could indicate that the disease is systemic. In this case, consult with a doctor immediately. The doctor will be able to prescribe the best treatment so menstruation can start. However, if the doctor cannot correct the condition, he may prescribe special medicines. These medicines may be able to create a situation that's like menstruation. Such medicines can also help the young lady feel more like other females her age.
This is a common symptom of secondary amenorrhea. When you have this condition, you may start noticing changes in your breasts. First, you may notice changes in the sizes of your breasts. In more severe cases, you might even start seeing discharges coming out of your nipples. You'll start secreting breast milk even if you're not pregnant or you haven't given birth.
These symptoms aren't exclusive to amenorrhea. They can be indications of more serious diseases like breast cancer. When you notice such symptoms, it's best to consult with a doctor right away.
These symptoms are more commonly seen in males entering puberty. Such changes are an increased hair growth, lowering of your voice, and even an altered sex drive. You may also observe excessive acne appearing on your skin. When you see such symptoms, your doctor will probably prescribe special medications. These will help you avoid complications resulting from low levels of estrogen. Another kind of treatment is hormone replacement therapy. This involves estrogen and progestin. These are for treating estrogen deficiency which may be causing the amenorrhea.
Another common symptom of this condition is vaginal dryness. Usually, your vagina doesn't dry up because a thin layer of moisture coats its walls. However, women who have amenorrhea may experience vaginal dryness. This may be uncomfortable or painful.
To treat this symptom, you may use some kinds of lubricants. But if it doesn't improve, you need to seek help from your gynecologist. This symptom is very uncomfortable. If you don't treat it, the symptom may even lead to more serious complications.
You may also experience unexplained changes in your weight. You may either gain weight rapidly or lose weight quickly. If you're overweight, then you may have to exercise more. You should also adopt a healthier lifestyle to lose the excess weight. The same goes for when you are underweight. You may need to eat healthier foods to bulk up.
In either case, you have to take steps to achieve your ideal body weight. You don't need to take any medications for this symptom unless the problem is physical. Otherwise, a proper diet and the right amount of exercise may be able to do the trick.
When you have amenorrhea, you might also start having headaches or migraines. However, this is a common symptom of different disorders and illnesses. But they may occur along with an absence of menstrual periods. In this case, they're definitely a symptom of amenorrhea.
You might also start experiencing changes in your vision. The most common change is a reduction in your peripheral vision. This leads to a more serious condition, so you need to consult with your physician right away.
Finally, you might start noticing a disruption in your sleeping patterns. If your period doesn't come and you experience other symptoms, you may have amenorrhea. Such symptoms include night sweats, hot flashes, and even disordered sleep. Because you're not able to sleep well, it may lead to feelings of anxiety and fatigue.
There are many ways to improve your sleeping patterns. But if you've tried everything and nothing works, you need to visit your doctor right away. Amenorrhea can also be a symptom of more severe conditions. So if you want to stay healthy, you need to communicate openly with your physician. Do this to find out if anything's wrong with your body.
This site offers information designed for educational purposes only. You should not rely on any information on this site as a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, treatment, or as a substitute for, professional counseling care, advice, diagnosis, or treatment. If you have any concerns or questions about your health, you should always consult with a physician or other healthcare professional.