Mouth sores are one of the most common minor health issues. The medical world sometimes refers to them as canker sores. They often appear on the gums, but they also develop on the tongue and the inner part of the lower lip. They can be quite painful, especially if they are touched in the course of brushing the teeth or eating. Sometimes mouth sores can persist for a week or so. There is no shortage of mouth sore ointments available at pharmacies, but you don't need to use any of these synthetically produced cures when so many easy-to-find and inexpensive natural remedies for mouth sores are effective.
The usefulness of baking soda as a mouth sore remedy is a classic instance of how everyday, inexpensive substances can adequately substitute for laboratory-developed medication. Most people need to look no further than their kitchen cupboard to find baking soda, but how many of them appreciate its powerful antibacterial properties that help to heal these sores quickly? A teaspoon of baking soda mixed into a cup of warm water creates an excellent mouth rinse.
Tomatoes are a much tastier alternative to a baking soda mouthwash. Health-conscious individuals recognize the value of including tomatoes in their regular diet. Their antioxidant properties are ideal for combating the poisonous substances that cause mouth sores. There are several ways to use tomatoes as a mouth sore remedy. Some find it sufficient to place a slice of freshly cut and washed tomatoes over the sore. Another recommended technique requires chewing the slice of tomato and swilling its juice around in the mouth.
A mention of tea is likely to bring to mind one of England and India's favorite drinks. It comes as a surprise to learn that as well as providing a refreshing drink tea can also help heal mouth sores. Tea is an alkaline which acts as an antidote to the acids that inflame mouth sores. Drinking a cup of tea might help but for a more precisely targeted cure take the tea bag out of the cup and allow it to cool down. Place this damp tea bag over the sore for about five minutes.
A slightly more exotic but very tasty mouth sore remedy uses one of the most versatile and amazing of all fruits: the coconut. The anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties of coconut oil explain why it has healing qualities. Natural health experts suggest dabbing the area of the sore with a cotton swab dipped in coconut oil. Ideally, the oil should have a paste-like consistency, so it sticks to the sore. Some mix it with a little beeswax to give it this extra adhesive power.
Certain experts in the natural health field trace the causes of mouth sores to various vitamin deficiencies. The remedies lie in eating foods rich in the missing vitamins or taking supplements. Sometimes foods that are rich in key vitamins irritate mouth sores. For example, the juice that comes out while eating an orange. In these cases, taking vitamin pills is preferable. Some of these experts recommend using the oil extracted from vitamin E pills as a mouth sore ointment. The lysine amino acid is another supplement supposed to help speedily heal these sores.
The health-giving properties of honey are well-publicized, but the turmeric spice is still primarily associated with middle-eastern cooking. Those who study natural healing soon come to recognize that turmeric offers much more than a distinctive food flavoring. Its antibiotic and anti-inflammatory properties are perfect for mouth sores. The experts suggest a teaspoonful of honey mixed with a teaspoonful of turmeric until a paste forms. Cover your mouth sores with the paste and leave it to sit for a few minutes. This procedure should be repeated over the course of a few days.
Fenugreek seeds are another example of a popular element in middle-eastern cuisine that has strong healing powers. These seeds contain substances that destroy germs and reduce inflammation and pain. Fenugreek seeds left to soak in water for a few hours and then boiled in water are the ingredients for an antiseptic mouthwash. Wait for the liquid to cool down and then use it as a gargle for about five minutes. A single session is insufficient but a couple of times a day over two or three days should heal the sores.
In previous generations, most medicines were compounded from kitchen garden herbs. Contemporary natural healers try to uncover these healing properties familiar to the rural societies of yesteryear. They have discovered that basil contains substances that help us fight off infection and inflammation. This is why rinsing your mouth with the juice of basil leaves helps to cure mouth sores.
Those who appreciate middle-eastern and Asian cooking are familiar with the distinctive taste of coriander, but they have probably never thought of using it as medicine. The strong taste might deter a few people from trying this remedy, but its efficacy makes it worthwhile. Juice extracted from fresh coriander leaves should be gargled for five minutes and then ejected from the mouth. For best results, gargle four or five times over a 48-hour period.
In contrast with most of the other ingredients listed in these natural remedies for mouth sores, tea tree oil is not so well known to the general public. You might not find it at your local grocery store, which means you may have to check a natural health product store. Mix a teaspoonful of tree oil into a cup of warm water to create mouthwash. A double dose for a few days helps reduce the sore pain and rid the mouth of infections.
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