Gas pains can be a very frustrating and embarrassing symptom of other digestive issues. Many people find having gas distressing, especially in public, and it's often the focus of jokes. As a result, this problem is rarely talked about seriously. When gas doesn't pass through the digestive tract, it can cause intense pains, bloating, and cramping. This isn't a serious medical condition, but it can be very uncomfortable. Luckily, there are many useful home remedies to treat gas pains.
Ginger is an excellent home remedy for gas pain because it calms the entire digestive system. It has anti-inflammatory properties, which can aid digestion and reduce the formation of gas. This herbal remedy is also easy to prepare, and many herbal ginger teas are already available on the market. To make your own, purchase a fresh ginger root and slice it into small pieces, boiling them in water and adding honey and lemon to taste. If buying tea bags from the store, be sure to find ginger teas that don't have additives, which can sometimes make gas worse.
There are many types of probiotics, and some of the most popular strains are helpful in aiding digestion. Probiotics are good bacteria needed to keep the body healthy. They typically balance flora levels in the gut, helping to digest foods without causing gas pains, bloating, or cramping. There are several ways to get probiotics, including supplements. Many drug stores sell probiotic capsules you can take with water or open and pour over food. Probiotics also appear naturally in foods like yogurt. It's important to make sure you consume enough probiotics to keep your digestive system working properly.
If gas pains are a recurring issue, you should consider adjusting your diet. Unhealthy foods like sugars, oils, fats, and caffeine can cause digestive problems for many people. Carbonated soda makes you swallow air bubbles, which often go through the digestive tract and become gas. If you regularly consume these foods, you may want to consider changes. Also, food allergies or intolerances can cause gas and bloat. If you notice a pattern of foods that cause gas, you should avoid them whenever possible.
One of the most common causes of gas is food that's not properly digested. When you eat quickly, you're more likely to swallow large chunks of food that take time to dissolve. You also tend to consume more food overall and may swallow a lot of air. Take the time to chew each bite thoroughly, mashing it into smaller pieces that will digest quickly. If the food passes through your digestive system without delays, it's less likely to form gas. Also, taking the time to chew your food allows you to feel fuller in between bites, so you may eat less.
Activated charcoal is commonly used to treat patients who have ingested poisonous substances. It absorbs chemical compounds and foreign substances, preventing them from harming the body. While little is known about why charcoal works, it seems to have a positive effect on gas pains. You can purchase activated charcoal in many forms, including powders and pills. Read the package directions carefully, and take as instructed. Proper use of activated charcoal should help to reduce inflammation and decrease harmful bacteria that lead to gas and bloating.
If you have gas pains, one of the best home remedies is to try to expel the gas. To do this, position yourself in a way that is conducive to the gas's movement. Lie on your back and hug your knees to your chest. If you don't expel the gas and feel better, repeat this exercise until you do. Your goal is to straighten out the digestive tract as much as possible, removing any potential roadblocks for the gas to pass.
Drinking water is very beneficial when dealing with gas pains. You should try to drink at least eight glasses of water each day because dehydration can slow down the digestive process, causing gas pains. Don't substitute fizzy drinks or caffeine for water; this can make the gas worse. Even carbonated water can cause additional bloating and cramping. Instead, drink regular water throughout the day to flush your system.
Consuming dairy products leads to gas pains and bloating in many people, especially those who have an intolerance to lactose. To combat this, you can take over-the-counter lactase enzyme treatments. They help you digest dairy products so you can eat things like milk, cheese, and ice cream. To use, follow the directions on the package. Most remedies require you to take the lactase enzyme pills immediately before consuming dairy products. If you have difficulty consuming dairy due to the effects on your digestive system, this may be the best choice for you.
Cinnamon has antispasmodic properties, which can help to calm digestive tract issues and decrease gas pains. If taken with food, cinnamon can prevent gas formation. If taken after gas pains begin, it can help expel the gas from the body. This double benefit is very valuable since it's not always possible to take cinnamon with a meal. The best way to get the right dose of cinnamon is to boil three teaspoons of cinnamon powder for a brewed tea. You can also buy cinnamon tea at most grocery stores.
Peppermint is one of the most calming remedies for stomach aches and gas pains because of its antispasmodic properties. Oil of peppermint contains menthol, which helps to calm the digestive tract, reducing the spasms that cause gas buildup and allowing the stomach and intestines to process foods at a more normal pace. A common remedy is to drink a cup of herbal peppermint tea with dinner to promote proper digestion. Drinking the tea as you eat soothes your stomach and reduces gas pain flare-ups.
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