In the 21st century, ear mite infestations in human beings are extremely uncommon. They do frequently attack domestic cats and dogs, but scant evidence exists of owners who catch ear mites from their pets. Whatever the cause of a human infestation, when this rare condition appears, it can cause discomfort and embarrassment. Ear mites are notoriously difficult to get rid of, and it can often take months to find a solution. Meanwhile, the infested individual must deal with social isolation in addition to the irritation the mites cause. These home remedies for ear mites can provide an effective solution.
With all of today's technological advances, modern medicine still has much to learn from the practices of ancient societies. Many people use garlic for the distinctive flavor it adds to meals, but most of the Western world only recently rediscovered its medicinal properties. In truth, this knowledge was never really lost, but doctors thought that antibiotic medicines could provide all the answers, letting traditional remedies fall by the wayside. Now that garlic's antibacterial properties are again appreciated, it is hardly surprising to find that it can serve as a remedy for ear mites. Experts recommend placing a few cloves of garlic in a cup of olive oil and leaving it to stew overnight. In the morning, place this substance on a cotton swab, and use it to clean your ear. Repeat these steps for 30 days.
Olive oil is another favorite product of the Middle East and Southern Europe with many culinary uses, and it also has valuable medicinal qualities. Use the olive oil together with cloves of garlic to make a cleaning fluid as described in the previous step, or use it independently. With the aid of a dropper, insert a few drops of olive oil into the infested ears, and clean them out with a cotton swab. You can also substitute vegetable oil or mineral oil for this purpose.
Natural medicine healers have found that a mixture of vitamin E and almond oil makes an effective anti-ear mite medicine. Although most people do not keep a stock of these substances at home, you can find them with little trouble at your local natural health product store. Store vitamin E and almond oil at room temperature. Mix the two substances, and place a few drops into your ear three times a week on alternate days, like on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. This solution can destroy the ear mites quickly, and it also helps improve skin quality.
Shampoo may sound like a strange substance to include in this list of home remedies for ear mites. Surely nobody puts shampoo into their ears to kill off mites. The use of shampoo is part of a sensible preventative policy rather than an ear mite destroyer. Ear mite activity increases at night, so failing to regularly shampoo your hair increases the risk of the mites spreading from your ears to your hair while you sleep, making them even more difficult to get rid of. This is something you want to prevent as much as possible.
For human beings, corn oil is a useful product in the kitchen, but from the ear mite's perspective, it is pure poison. Clean out your ears with a cotton swab soaked in corn oil, and make sure the oil reaches into every crevice of the ear. Repeat this step daily for a few weeks for a completely safe, yet powerful, way to remove an ear mite infestation.
Healthy living enthusiasts need little convincing of the value of green tea as a natural remedy and preventive against a wide range of ailments. However, many don't realize that it can also be used in the struggle to end ear mite infestations. Brew a cup of green tea and allow it to cool. Then, use the tea as an antiseptic ear wash. Drinking the tea may have some effect as well, as it does have healing properties, but the evidence suggests that using it topically is far more effective.
The acidic qualities of white vinegar make it a suitable substance to use as a safe, efficient cleaning fluid. However, you should avoid this solution if you have an open wound or sore in the ear area, as vinegar stings on open wounds. Dilute the vinegar with water, and use it to cleanse your ears to get rid of ear mites.
This is one of the more obscure but well-tried ear mite cleansing methods. Only someone with a real interest in healing herbs is likely to know that there is such a thing as yellow dock root, but your local health shop staff should certainly know about it. Home remedy experts recommend using a mixture of nine drops of yellow dock root extract and a teaspoon of water. Use a dropper to insert this fluid into your ear. This method will typically take about a month to get rid of ear mites.
Volcanic rocks in Italy and the United States provide much of the world's supply of boric acid. It has antiseptic and insect-repellent qualities that make it ideal for use against ear mites. For these reasons, it is a good idea to add a little boric acid to your bath water. However, take care not to overuse it where children are involved, as it contains toxins that don't leave the body quickly. Adults are better equipped to process these toxins, so there is less of a risk.
Sulfur is another natural mineral whose medicinal properties have attracted considerable interest. Scientists recommend the use of sulfur in treatments of various dermatological diseases including acne and eczema. Since it helps fight off bacteria, it makes a good weapon to employ in the efforts to rid the ear of irritating ear mite infestations.
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