Enterovirus is not one virus, nor one strand. It's the name for a whole genus of single-stranded RNA viruses. Serologic studies have identified a total of 71 enterovirus serotypes. They get their name because they spread and get transmitted through the intestine. In the past when they were part of four groups - polioviruses, Coxsackie A, Coxsackie B, and echoviruses. Since then, medicine has changed quite a bit. Nowadays, these are available in numbers and letters. What health hazards do they cause? Well, that question is a bit difficult since we're talking about 71 different viruses. They can wreak all sorts of havoc on your organism. It's important to know that they spread through fecal matter and fluids.

They affect millions upon millions of people on a daily basis. Enteroviruses manifest themselves through many diseases and infections. Common colds, conjunctivitis, aseptic meningitis is neonatal sepsis are all caused by enterovirus. It's hard to pinpoint every disease because, in most cases, you may not even notice them. They are dangerous and prey upon our immune system. That's why it's important to get educated about enterovirus! Just because of that, we've compiled the ten most important facts about this virus. By being aware of it and being knowledgeable, you will save your health.


Symptoms are either mild or non-existent in most cases

That's right! Many cases or strains of enterovirus aren't that dangerous. In fact, many kinds often go unnoticed and pass away through the body. Other cases may appear through a mild fever or cold-like symptoms. Aside from that, about 10% of enterovirus manifests themselves through more serious symptoms. Muscle ache, serious fever, rash and intestinal problems all come to mind. This is why it's important to pay attention to your body. Your doctor will send you to get tested for all strains if he suspects an infection.



Children at fewer than ten years old are most at risk

Kids often have unstable and not yet built immune systems. This is why they're prone to get infected by many enterovirus stains. An increased risk is that kids are often in large groups. Saliva, mucus, feces and other means of virus transport are especially dangerous then. The best way to battle this risk factor is personal hygiene. Teach your child to wash their hands and pay attention from an early age. You can only worry so much, but kids are in charge of their immune system.



Nutrition is the best way to combat enterovirus

Nutrition is the fuel of your immune system. Your body can pull off only so many victories against diseases. You power it up using good nutrition and avoiding processed foods. In fact, a good eating regime is the main reason why many enterovirus strains don't cause symptoms. You can influence everything by being responsible. Since enterovirus tends to get transported through the intestinal tract, a lot of fiber is a must. Proteins also affect the strength of your organism against intruders. Also, lots of veggies and fruit round up a formidable defence mechanism against enterovirus.



Hydration is a must

The intestine needs to remain hydrated at all times. If you're infected or you suspect that you're infected - up your water intake. That way, your cells will get energy faster and will be able to battle the disease more. The key is to observe the signs of your organism and see how much is enough. Some infections and cases can get even more complicated if the patient isn't hydrated. Symptoms can worsen and recovery time may slow down. Be wise and prevent enterovirus infections from even happening.



Polio can be nasty

Polio is a disease caused by poliovirus, a strain of enterovirus. It's a nasty bug because of its varying symptoms. It can manifest itself through a mere fever or weakness in the muscles. In extreme cases, people may be completely rendered immobile. The muscles get so weak that they become practically useless to the organism. Polio itself can pass and treated, but post-polio syndrome can be bad too. Some muscles or limbs may not even develop due to the condition. Infants struck by polio the most. That's why it's called infantile paralysis.



Hand foot and mouth disease is a prominent kind of condition

This type of enterovirus condition also spread through coughing, sneezing, and even feces. It doesn't last long. Most cases never even reach their first week and go away. It manifests itself through painful sores on the mouth, the hands, the feet, and buttocks too. It's most common with little children, because of their lower immunity. Again, the only way to battle or prevent this condition is through proper education of your child. Nutrition comes in second place, and it provides the body with resources for defence. Daycare and schools are the main spreading areas.



Pleurodynia may also be a nuisance

It's also called Bornholm's disease. You can get it if your chest and abdominal muscles get struck by enterovirus. It's one of the most painful conditions known to man. The muscles used for breathing hurt so much that you're risking suffocation. Pain episodes come and go and last about 30 minutes. Coxsackie B virus is the culprit for this dangerous and nasty condition. The body will react to the pain so dramatically that it will narrow the throat even further. This can lead to suffocation and serious problems within the organism.




When the area within your heart or around it gets infected, it's bad news. Myocarditis generally occurs in males, and no one knows why. It starts with a cough and then develops into a fever. If it isn't treated on time, shortness of breath ensues. This alone is an alarming reason, but there are even further consequences. In some cases, no matter how fast you react, you may end up with permanent heart failure. No matter how much you jog or live a healthy life, your heart may never revert back to normal. It's so silent, yet so deadly.



It's the most common cause of rashes

Nope, not allergies, not skin infection - enterovirus. Many strains of enterovirus manifest themselves through skin rashes a similar irritation. They take many different shapes and forms. The worst thing about them is not the rash itself, but the fear that comes with it. Sometimes, even experienced doctors don't suspect a regular enterovirus. Instead, they put you through many tests, only to find out who the culprit is in the end. This is why it's important to be knowledgeable about enterovirus facts.



Hemorrhagic conjunctivitis

This manifestation of the enterovirus is especially nasty. What makes it so strange is that it runs through you for only ten days tops. Throughout that period, you will experience blurred vision, ocular discharge, and headaches. You cannot treat it without interventions to remove blood and reduce pain. In more severe cases, the infection may spread onto the entire body. You will most likely render as immobile because of the pain. The most important thing to keep in mind is to know that it will pass.

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