
It's that time during the spring where we must move our clocks forward one hour. When the switch happens, we have to accommodate to whole new biorhythm and way of living. Moving the clock either forward or backward disrupts our natural rhythm. Surprisingly, even that one hour can have consequences on our minds and bodies. To make a smooth transition, it is good to best know the extent of the influence of daylight savings on our bodies. Some of these effects may prove surprising but will make sense once we dig deeper into the science of the whole phenomenon.

You may never adjust to the new time

Damaging our circadian rhythm can be dangerous and hazardous for our health, and the effect may continue until the end of daylight savings in autumn, where we gain one hour. The detail that is not considered is that people are bound to live and sleep for a certain time. If there is any sudden kind of interruption in your cycle, then your body will yearn for a return to the old regime. We might think that a social change of time is the answer, but you cannot cheat the biological clock.

new time daylight savings

A decrease in sleep

One 10-day study watched the sleep patterns and sleep quality of a group of individuals following the transition to daylight savings time. The results weren’t that shocking at first glance, but they mean a lot for the long-term health. On average, a person sleeps one hour less in the following days. Also, due to the change in bedtime, it’s harder to reach the REM phase of sleep, meaning that you sleep less and your sleep quality isn’t as good.

decrease sleep daylight savings

Increased heart attack risks

Researchers conducted a study on patients from one Michigan hospital. As per the study, changed sleep patterns has destructive effects. In spring daylight savings time, the rate of heart attack increases to 25%, but only on Mondays. What’s interesting is that the total number of heart attacks for the week doesn’t increase. It’s only Mondays that face the problem with this phenomenon. If you suffer from a heart condition, you may be negatively impacted by the sudden change in your sleep pattern.

heart risk daylight savings

Increased risk to mental health

Another study shows that people who have bipolar disorder have a difficult time accommodating to new sleeping patterns. If you have bipolar disorder, you may need extra medicine during this time. Researchers have dug deep into the American register of suicides in the last 40 years and have found a correlation between the week following daylight savings and an increase in suicide rates. The sudden alteration in our ways of sleeping may affect the brain in dangerous ways. Consult a doctor if you feel any changes at all.

mental health daylight savings

A rise in workplace injuries

Researchers have dug deep into the history of workplace injury cases and found that on Mondays after daylight savings, workers were more likely to get injured. Not only that, but the injuries were much more serious. A contrasting discovery says that injuries decrease after the end of daylight savings in autumn.

workplace daylight savings

SAT scores go down, too

In preliminary SAT tryouts of high schools that take place after daylight savings, students scored much worse than usual. Such a piece of data indicates that sleep deprivation truly does affect your mind. The sudden loss of an hour of rest adds to the existing problem of children getting up at unhealthy times. As a result, you have a nation of young minds unable to function.

SAT daylight savings

Wasting time

When we’re tired in the days following daylight savings, we tend to cyber loaf. What’s cyberloafing, you ask? It’s a phenomenon where you evade your job and things you must do in favor of browsing social media and has a direct correlation to sleep deprivation. Due to this, your brain signals that you don’t have the capacity for much tougher tasks. Something like this can affect everyone. People may lose their jobs and make mistakes. They might do wrong calculations may lead to multi-million-dollar losses. That’s why sleep is important.

daylight savings productivity

A decrease in efficiency

A test group of about 20 people assembled. They participated in a series of performance tests on Monday, after daylight savings. The same group assembled during the weeks after the end of daylight savings in autumn. The group has accomplished the same tasks in autumn with 15% more efficiency and minimal mistakes. During the springtime, people worked much slower.

daylight savings time

IVF success rates drop

Women can undergo in-vitro fertilization throughout the year. But women who undergo it following the March time change are at higher risk. They might not be able to conceive. A lack of sleep may decrease the body’s ability to make the embryo grow because it’s so devoid of energy. In-vitro failures and miscarriages are higher in the weeks following daylight savings. Studies recorded the highest concentration of in-vitro fertilization failures 21 days after the transition to daylight savings time.

daylight savings

IQ test scores fall down

As it’s such a strain on the brain, an IQ test requires absolute concentration and attention. It also requires focusing on the upcoming task. A good amount of sleep allows your body to maintain stability and perform a task at the same time. The whole mechanism of our body changes when we get tired due to daylight savings. To compensate for sleep, your brain redirects energy from the cognitive sectors. This energy flows into the basic survival parts. That’s why you will be less mentally competent. Also, the chances of failure are much higher in the days following the March time change.

IQ daylight savings

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