Most people will experience acne at some point in life, especially during the teenage years. Acne occurs when oil and dead skin cells clog pores, causing blemishes like blackheads, whiteheads, and cysts. Acne, often referred to as pimples or zits, can be both painful and unsightly. It most commonly appears on the face, back, neck and chest, although it can present elsewhere as well. Those who suffer from acne may experience anxiety about their appearance. While there are medications available to treat extreme acne, for those who suffer from mild to moderate cases, home remedies for acne are very popular.


Baking Soda

One of the best home remedies for acne is baking soda. There are several reasons for this. First, it balances the pH level of the skin, which can help to reduce oil levels. Second, it acts as an exfoliator for your skin, removing dirt, makeup, and dead skin cells. You can use baking soda to wash your entire face to prevent acne, and you can also use it to spot-treat problem areas. To use as a cleaner, mix equal parts baking soda and water and gently scrub your entire face. To use it as a spot treatment, add a few drops of lemon juice to baking soda and apply a thin layer to the affected area for 5 to 10 minutes.

remedies for acne


Mint has many healing properties when it comes to acne, so it's no surprise that toothpaste is a popular home remedy to treat unsightly pimples. It is important to use the right kind of toothpaste: a white paste that contains hydrogen peroxide or baking soda. The combination of these ingredients can help to reduce acne-causing bacteria and relieve the pain associated with inflammation. Toothpaste can be very drying, and it's also very messy, so this remedy works best for the occasional spot treatment. Simply apply a thin layer to the pimple and leave it on overnight, rinsing thoroughly the next morning.

natural remedies for acne

Tea Tree Oil

Tea tree oil is an effective remedy for a wide range of skin problems, and acne is no exception. It has anti-fungal and antiseptic properties, which makes it a good tool for reducing facial bacterial. It can also minimize scarring from acne. To use tea tree oil, use a cotton swab to apply a small amount to affected areas. A few drops are more than enough to treat all of your acne. Like many concentrated oils, using too much tea tree oil can result in skin irritation, so be careful not to overdo it.  You'll find tea tree oil in many pharmacies and beauty supply stores.

remedies for acne

Aloe Vera

Whether you get it straight from the plant or from the bottle, aloe vera is one of the most soothing substances for your skin. Although it is commonly associated with sunburns, aloe vera can be very beneficial for a variety of skin conditions, including acne. Most pharmacies sell pure aloe vera, but you can also buy an inexpensive aloe vera plant to keep in your home or apartment. Simply break off a leaf to access the healing solution inside. Aloe vera gel is a natural moisturizer, which can reduce the amount of acne-causing products you need to use on your face. Its antimicrobial properties also help to reduce redness and inflammation, and its cooling sensation will relieve pain.

aloe home remedies for acne

Apple Cider Vinegar

Because apple cider vinegar is a naturally antibacterial substance, it is an excellent home remedy for skin treatments. Apple cider vinegar can help to balance the pH levels of the skin, adding acidity that will balance out oil production levels. While vinegar can be used as a cleanser as well, the best way to use it is as a toner. After thoroughly washing and drying your face, apply apple cider vinegar using a clean makeup sponge or cotton swab. Leave the vinegar treatment on for 15 minutes, then rinse with cool water. Apply a natural moisturizer, like aloe or another moisturizer without oil, to your blemishes to complete the treatment.

ACV home remedies for acne


Like toothpaste, honey can be a messy treatment for acne. However, occasionally using honey to spot-treat an unexpected pimple is a great home remedy. Before applying honey to your face, make sure it is the correct type. Avoid processed honey products, which can worsen acne, and use natural, raw honey instead. You should first wash and dry your face thoroughly to avoid clogging pores with makeup or oil. Then, apply a thin layer of honey to your pimples. Let dry overnight, then wash your face thoroughly with warm water the following morning. The antibacterial properties of honey are very beneficial for healing acne.


Green Tea

Green tea has plenty of health benefits, and that includes acne-fighting abilities. To reduce your risk of developing acne, be sure to drink green tea daily. In addition to having anti-inflammatory properties and reducing oil production, drinking green tea can reduce hunger and cravings for acne-causing food and beverages. If you already have acne, you can treat your problem skin with a green tea mask. Brew green tea and let cool, then apply to the face as a toner. After 20 minutes, rinse with cool water. Doing this once a week will lessen skin inflammation and redness, reducing acne outbreaks.

curing acne


Lemon juice has many beneficial qualities, including the ability to reduce scarring. If you have had moderate acne in the past that has left pink or red blemishes behind, dabbing a few drops of lemon juice onto the scars can naturally bleach them. In addition to fading scars, lemon juice can also relieve acne itself, thanks to its acidity. Applying an acidic product can help to balance the skin's pH levels and reduce oil production. Be cautious when using lemon juice on your current pimples, especially if the skin is broken or "popped," since it can sting when applied to open wounds.

treating acne

Witch Hazel

Witch hazel contains tannins, which act as a natural astringent. This reduces facial oil, and as a result, decreases the risk of acne. Many people choose to use witch hazel as a toner, applying it to a clean, dry face. Unlike most medicated toners, witch hazel is a very gentle formula that treats the skin while simultaneously working to reduce redness and inflammation, making your face appear clearer. You can purchase witch hazel from any pharmacy, and it is typically inexpensive compared to pricey brand-name astringents. This is a great home remedy for those who want to reduce their acne naturally.

witch hazel home remedies for acne

Cold Compress

For spot treatment of large pimples, consider applying a cold compress. Cold compresses can reduce redness and swelling, as well as pain. Make sure that the cloth or compress that you use is clean since bacteria can make acne worse. If you do not have a compress available, an ice cube or a frozen metal spoon can be a good quick alternative. This remedy can be a temporary fix for redness and swelling from acne but is not a long-term solution. Ideally, you should incorporate a good facial cleansing routine into your day to reduce flare-ups of acne. Use a gentle, exfoliating cleanser, followed by a mild toner. This will decrease your breakouts and help you to address occasional pimples more effectively.

compress home remedies for acne
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