
Butternut squash is a peculiarly shaped fruit commonly prepared as a vegetable. Its bright flesh can star in sweet or savory dishes. This versatile food is low in calories, fat, and carbohydrates, yet high in a host of essential nutrients. A creamy, delectable gift of nature, butternut squash is a nutritional powerhouse that helps protect the eyes, fight obesity, strengthen bones, and regulate blood pressure and cholesterol levels. Dig in to learn more about butternut squash and how to include it in your diet.


1. What is Butternut Squash?

It is a winter squash that bears the scientific name Cucurbita moschata. In the 1940s, an American farmer crossbred gooseneck squash with hubbard squash to produce this vine fruit. He named his creation based on its smooth and nutty taste. In Australia and New Zealand, people call it butternut pumpkin or gramma. The foot-long, bell-shaped squash has a thin, pale yellow or brown skin that is easier to peel than other squash varieties. Its vibrant orange flesh resembles a pumpkin. The flesh takes on a richer hue and sweeter taste as the squash ripens. The bottom part of the bell contains edible seeds.

butternut squash

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