
Plant-based milk alternatives are an exploding industry around the world. Food sensitivities, environmental concerns, and changing dietary preferences are catapulting non-dairy beverages into phenomenal growth. Oat milk is a new player on the field, and it is rapidly gaining ground from cow’s milk and the previously sought-after nut milks. Advocates tout oat milk's neutral taste, creamy texture, and digestibility. Its benefits don’t stop at the taste buds, though. "Milk" from oats contains many properties that reinforce the heart and immune system and beautify skin.


1. What is Oat Milk?

Oat milk is simply whole groats or steel-cut oats blended with water and strained. The leftover pulp holds most of the protein and fiber, but the resulting “milk” still contains substantial nutrients. Most commercial brands contain other ingredients for flavor, thickness, and longevity. The texture of it is creamier than nut milk because the oats absorb more water than nuts and more of the food passes through the cloth.

making oat milk morisfoto / Getty Images


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