Himalayan salt lamps have attained immense popularity for their cool appeal. They take favored spots in many homes and spas for their soft lighting and avowed curative benefits. Manufacturers and health gurus highlight anecdotal reports of benefits such as allergy relief, improved mood and energy, and reduced air pollution. While there are studies that confirm the health benefits of inhaled and ingested Himalayan salt, research does not confirm much regarding the efficacy of Himalayan salt lamps. Glowing anecdotal references abound, but scientific evidence is sparse. Here are a few reasons you might want to lighten up on Himalayan salt lamp health claims and focus more on their aesthetic charm.
Pure Himalayan salt comes from the Khewra Salt Mine in Pakistan. Scientists believe that this location near the Himalayan Mountains was an ocean millions of years ago. The ancient body of water left a vast salt deposit that was buried by the mountain range. The salt contains more than 80 trace minerals, which impart the crystals' characteristic range of hues. Himalayan salt is not processed like common table salt. It is popular in cuisines around the world for its beauty, taste, and mineral content. This salt's medicinal properties have made it an integral ingredient in remedies since antiquity.
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