
According to some research, eating an excess of acidic foods could detract from bone density, increase the risk of kidney stones, and trigger inflammation. Acidic foods have long been associated with acid reflux, ulcers, and other gastrointestinal complaints, and people who experience heartburn or other GI issues may benefit from reducing the number of acidic foods they consume.


1. Dairy

Milk, cream, yogurt, hard cheese, and ice cream tend to be acidic and can cause acid reflux and other gastrointestinal issues. Sheep and goat cheese are generally less acidic, so people who love dairy but whose stomachs aren't such big fans can try those alternatives. If cow's milk products are unavoidable, counterbalancing them with more alkaline foods such as cantaloupe or cauliflower could help.

15 Acidic Foods to Consider Limiting in Your Diet fcafotodigital / Getty Images


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