
Yerba Mate is a natural resource that has been used for centuries for hundreds if not thousands of reasons. It is a shrub that is native to Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay, and Uruguay. Its first known users were in South America, the Guaraní natives who later introduced it to the outside world where its natural vitamin and mineral uses first became known and used for their purported purposes.  Its uses continue to grow today and are growing.


1. Weight Control

The Yerba Mate (aka Mate) stimulates the production of urine and facilitates the elimination of the urine and feces. This elimination of toxic substances cleanses the system and while also removing and infection causing agents. Mate also creates a false positive to the stomach indicating that you have already eaten and are full. It takes away your cravings in between meals. While drinking mate you can burn more stored fat as fuel and increase your weight loss. The secret in all this is the result of feeling full, or weight loss efforts of Yerba Mate is attributed to better fat oxidation or reducing of gastric voiding and always feeling satisfied. You get fewer calories, more nutrients, and vitamins while also speeding up your metabolism. The process continues with a more increased level of fat burning as time goes on and your body uses more of the stored fat.

Weight Control

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