
If you have not yet heard of natto, now is the time to check it out because this healthy food carries some compelling benefits. Natto is a Japanese breakfast dish that is made out of fermented soybeans. It may not look like much, but it packs a huge protein punch as well as a dozen minerals and vitamins in just one small serving size. Keep reading to discover more amazing health benefits of natto.


1. Can Reduce Bone Loss

A lot of women suffer from bone loss as they age, and even some men depending on their health conditions. Natto can help reduce your bone loss by as much as 80% because of its high concentration of vitamin K2. Natto has almost 100 times more vitamin K than the standard serving size of cheese. Therefore, if you suffer from osteoporosis, natto may be the answer to your problems. One cup of natto contains 51% your daily recommended value of Vitamin K, add that to your current health regime and you will have the recipe for reversing bone loss.

Can Reduce Bone Loss Natto

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