
Beets are one of the most overlooked items in the grocery store produce section. Both their roots and their greens are very useful in maintaining good health. In fact, this superfood has dozens of health benefits, from fighting against diseases to weight loss. These veggies are a versatile and effective way to improve your diet. Like most root vegetables, beets are not always visually appealing, but they are packed with a big variety of nutrients. To appreciate their value, it is helpful to be aware of how each of these nutrients impacts your health.


1. Low in Calories

One of the best things about beets is that they are very low in calories. That means you can add them to your salad or eat them raw. One cup has about 60 calories, making them a very healthy and filling food. Given how sweet-tasting these vegetables are, it's a good way to remedy a mid-afternoon sweet tooth without all of the calories that sugary foods normally contain. Raw beets are also crunchy, which can make them a good replacement for unhealthy deep-fried chips and other satisfying snacks.

low in calories beets


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