
Vitamin K plays a major role in overall health. It enables the blood to coagulate or clot and is also a vital part of bone strength. The vitamin works in close cooperation with vitamin D, each boosting the effectiveness of the other. Vitamin K1 exists mostly in vegetables, and vitamin K2 is prominent in dairy products and other animal-based foods. People with longstanding vitamin K deficiencies are in danger of developing certain health issues such as cardiovascular disease, cognitive decline (including dementia), osteoporosis, and tooth decay. Too little vitamin K can also contribute to developing prostate cancer, lung cancer, liver cancer, and leukemia, as well as pneumonia and other infectious diseases. Foods high in vitamin K will keep the blood healthy and the bones strong.


1. Kale and Leafy Greens

This leafy green from the cruciferous family offers nearly seven times the daily recommended intake (DRI) of vitamin K in just a one-cup serving. It also provides more than enough of the DRI of vitamins A and C. Kale contains antioxidants that help fight free radical damage in the body. Lutein, one such antioxidant, helps protect the eyes from light damage. Other leafy greens that provide more than one hundred percent of the DRI of vitamin K per cup are parsley, cooked beet greens, sauteed mustard greens, Swiss chard, and spinach.

13 Foods High in Vitamin K

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