
Marigolds are bright orange, and yellow flowers are one of the gardener's favorite species. They add a brilliant touch of color to flower beds, and their scent is very pleasant. Most will be surprised to discover that marigolds are much more than an attractive plant. This flower also possesses valuable curative properties that people were using as far back as the Greek and Roman eras. Even Charles, Prince of Wales, and heir to the British throne has acknowledged the marigold's health-giving qualities. Marigold tea is one of the most popular ways of using this flower in herbal cures. Please note that Americans are more likely to use the plant's Latin name – calendula.


1. A natural way to heal wounds

The use of marigolds in treating wounds is one of this flower's better-known medical uses. Modern science backs up this traditional knowledge. Scientists have discovered how glycoproteins, nucleoproteins and other substances that they contain improve the body's ability to replace damaged cells quickly. They help to reduce swelling, bring blood to promote skin healing and refresh dried-out skin. The benefits are so apparent that conventional medicine uses marigold derivatives to speed up the healing process for patients who have undergone surgical procedures.

A natural way to heal wounds

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