There is a definite link between inflammation and serious illnesses such as heart disease, diabetes, and asthma. Experts agree that prevention is the best approach to follow. In its own right Inflammation is not necessarily bad since this is the way the body's healing process operates, but sometimes problems develop.
Autoimmune diseases are classic examples of how the body's internal defensive mechanisms could become self-destructive. The use of anti-inflammatory drugs is so widespread it almost seems as if there is no alternative, but there are other methods available. Eating anti-inflammatory foods may offer a more natural solution free from undesirable side effects.
Anyone who imagines that only exotic foodstuffs are likely to have anti-inflammatory properties will be surprised to learn that many common foods possess these qualities; a classic case in point is celery. This staple salad dish feature is a rich source of vitamins and antioxidants. Scientists' investigations prove how it contains substances that help improve blood pressure and cholesterol ratings and strengthen resistance to heart disease.
Celery seeds are especially favored for the way they can reduce inflammations and fight off infections carried by bacteria. They also contain healthy amounts of the potassium that assists the body to rid itself of poisons.
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