
Those suffering from acne know that getting rid of pimples and marks is not easy. Creams, potions, lotions and even medication, all take a significant amount of time to show visible results. Thus, it is perhaps more intelligent to focus on determining the root cause of poor skin condition and focus on dealing with that. In case of acne, one’s diet is instrumental in ascertaining how acne-ridden or clear the skin is. Some foods are known to cause breakouts and need be avoided by acne-prone individuals with the strictest resolve. Here is a list of acne trigger foods that one must say goodbye to in order to prevent breakouts.


1. Spicy Food

Spicy foods mainly contain tomatoes, spice as well as peppers, which can trigger breakouts. As spicy food contains acidic lycopene, it can cause irritation to some people, thereby disturbing the pH level of their skin. A lot of studies have proved that acne sufferers witness a visible increase in their breakouts on intake of spicy food. Though scientists are still not sure about the prime reason behind breakouts, there is quite a possibility that sweating accompanying the consumption of spicy food results in clogging of pores, and thereby causes acne. It is, therefore, important for everyone to consume spicy food in moderate proportions.



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