
Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome or PCOS is a prevalent, hormone-based condition. It's an illness that affects numerous women across the world. People with a polycystic ovarian syndrome have an imbalance in their hormone production. The out of whack hormones affect the body in multiple different ways and cause numerous symptoms to manifest signaling the onset of PCOS. From the nature and frequency of the menstrual cycle to body-hair growth patterns and skin quality, this condition produces mild discomfort in the best case scenario and may get moderately incapacitating in severe cases. The following is a list of facts about polycystic ovarian syndrome that will give you a more in-depth understanding of the characteristics of this health condition.


1. Prevalence of Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome

PCOS is the most widespread endocrine disorder in the world today. One in ten women have PCOS, and the illness affects women during their reproductive years. Research suggests that specific genetic factors play a role in the development of PCOS. Medical science has yet to prove it's hereditary, but PCOS runs in families. You may also be more at risk if you have Type 1, Type 2, or gestational diabetes. Women who are thirty years old and past puberty are most commonly affected. The risk of developing the condition decreases with age. People with low-grade white blood cell inflammation are also at a higher risk for PCOS.

Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome

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