
Orthorexia is an eating disorder that is becoming more prevalent in modern society. It can affect all age groups and may be the result of new trends that emphasize healthy, clean eating. Those with orthorexia exhibit obsessive behavior when it comes to maintaining a healthy diet. Unlike other eating disorders, a person with orthorexia is obsessed with the perfect diet rather than weight loss. The person will fixate on eating only foods that she or he considers healthy and pure. The following are some symptoms and warning signs of orthorexia.


1. Obsessive Concern About Food

First and foremost, the most common warning sign that a person has orthorexia is a new obsessive focus on food. Much like other eating disorders, food will take over an unhealthy amount of attention in the life of someone with orthorexia. They will spend a significant amount of time analyzing food choices and researching diet options. They may also become extremely concerned about the side effects of many different foods and discuss them in length.


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