
Bulimia is a serious mental illness where people feel that they have lost control over their eating. People with this condition often evaluate themselves according to their body shape and weight. They are caught in a cycle of eating large quantities of food (called binging), vomiting, and taking laxatives or diuretics (called purging) to prevent weight gain. These behaviors can dominate daily life and lead to difficulties in multiple areas of life including relationships and social situations. It is important to get help for bulimia as soon as possible as it can seriously detract from one’s health. Therapy and medications often can help individuals get back on track and develop a healthy body image and eating habits.


1. Disappearing Food

Individuals with bulimia may strive to hide as much as possible about this condition. A person with bulimia might prefer to eat alone or in the privacy of their own bedroom. Sometimes they may remove food from kitchen cabinets or pantries in order to keep it with them or to eat it when they can be alone. If you notice that food is disappearing, it could be a sign that a loved one is coping with an eating disorder.

food bulimia

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