According to the American Chiropractic Association, 80% of the population experiences back pain at some point in their lives. The spine is a focal point of all human movement, and it is one of the few "minor" ailments that can force people to take days off from work. In many cases, remedies are simple, but for those with chronic back pain, the symptoms may persist or keep returning even with treatment.
Studies show that when it comes to the effect of weight and height on spinal load, weight had a stronger effect than height in most cases. Obesity brings with it a greater risk of back pain, specifically in the lower back, for at least one-third of people. In fact, studies show the risk of developing lower back pain is directly correlated with a person's body weight. Carrying excess weight in the abdomen and pelvis is most problematic because it shifts the pelvis forward, placing excess strain on the lower back. To alleviate back issues, doctors recommend a maintainable weight loss and exercise regimen.
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