Coughing spells are caused by an infection or an allergy, among other things. Depending on the nature and severity of other symptoms, people may or may not choose to consult a doctor for a cough. They may attempt to let it pass or treat it themselves.
Home remedies can alleviate or shorten the duration of a cough, but it is always best to speak to a doctor if symptoms advance, last more than a few days, or if one is taking medications.
Some people report that a spoonful of honey can calm a persistent cough more effectively than over-the-counter medicines. Honey is an age-old dry cough remedy that gets its benefits from its analgesic properties. The golden nectar sticks to the irritated mucous membranes and coats them to provide relief. Honey also has antibacterial properties that can help shorten the duration of the cough if a bacterial infection is to blame.
Simply mix honey in warm milk or water to make a drink that can help relieve cough and chest pain. Note that honey should not be given to children under the age of one.
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