
Every child, even the most well-behaved one, can be challenging at times. You may notice defiant behavior when your kid becomes a toddler or teenager, but this is normal behavior for most children; it doesn’t come as a surprise to parents. If, however, your child displays a pattern of anger, defiance, argumentative behavior, or vindictiveness towards you, they may have oppositional defiant disorder or ODD. Sometimes, children with ODD exhibit these problematic behaviors predominantly outside of the home -- the action can manifest at school or around other authority figures. Here are some frequently asked questions about oppositional defiant disorder.


1. Irritable, Angry Mood

Everyone gets angry or irritable sometimes. However, if your child has oppositional defiant disorder, their mood changes can be severe. They may frequently lose their temper or be easily annoyed by others. Your child may also express anger or resentment, even when there’s no cause for it. If you notice your child being consistently angry and irritable over an extended period, it may be time to talk to a therapist.


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