
Tourette syndrome is a condition that causes patients to perform certain repetitive movements or sounds involuntarily. Tourette syndrome is best known for tics, which usually start appearing when a child is 5 to 10 years old. At first, tics are simple and limited to a few muscles groups. Over time, other muscle groups may become affected, as the tics get worse. Although there is no definitive cure for Tourette syndrome, a combination of therapy and medication may help.


1. Echolalia

Echolalia - or the repetition of words spoken by others - is one of the most common symptoms associated with Tourette syndrome. This is often the initial symptom. People with it repeat words or phrases that others around them have said. This symptom is also related to other mental conditions and is not limited to Tourette's syndrome. It is important to receive a precise diagnosis to be able to proceed with treatment.

Tourette Syndrome


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